JAVA Web Service with SOAP Client Objective C---响应问题

标签 java objective-c http soap http-status-code-404

我有这个 Java 网络服务:

@WebService(serviceName = "Catalogo_V1")
public class Catalogo_V1 {

    /** This is a sample web service operation */
    @WebMethod(operationName = "hello")
    public String hello(@WebParam(name = "name") String txt) 
        return "Hello " + txt + " !";

这部分在 Objective C 中(使用 WSDL2ObjC 生成代码后):

- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender 

    Catalogo_V1PortBinding *binding = [[Catalogo_V1Svc Catalogo_V1PortBinding] initWithAddress:@"http://localhost:8080/WSServer/Catalogo_V1.wsdl"];
    binding.logXMLInOut = YES;  // to get logging to the console.

    Catalogo_V1Svc_hello *r = [[Catalogo_V1Svc_hello alloc] init];

    //NSLog(@"request: %@",r);

    [r setName:i.text];
    //NSLog(@"string: %@ ",i.text);

    Catalogo_V1PortBindingResponse *resp = [binding helloUsingParameters:(Catalogo_V1Svc_hello *)r];

    NSLog(@"response: %@",resp);

    for (id mine in resp.bodyParts)
        if ([mine isKindOfClass:[Catalogo_V1Svc_helloResponse class]])
            //lab.text = [mine Catalogo_V1Svc_helloResponse];



011-08-30 17:00:11.572 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] OutputHeaders:
    "Content-Length" = 451;
    "Content-Type" = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
    Host = localhost;
    Soapaction = "";
    "User-Agent" = wsdl2objc;
2011-08-30 17:00:11.572 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] OutputBody:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:Catalogo_V1Svc="http://org/" xsl:version="1.0">
2011-08-30 17:00:11.593 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] Response HTTP:
<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x5b1ffd0>
2011-08-30 17:00:11.593 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] ResponseStatus: 404
2011-08-30 17:00:11.593 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] ResponseHeaders:
    "Content-Length" = 1067;
    "Content-Type" = "text/html";
    Date = "Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:00:11 GMT";
    Server = "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1";
    "X-Powered-By" = "Servlet/3.0 JSP/2.2 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1 Java/Apple Inc./1.6)";
2011-08-30 17:00:11.617 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] ResponseError:
Error Domain=Catalogo_V1PortBindingResponseHTTP Code=404 "not found" UserInfo=0x5b2a320 {NSLocalizedDescription=not found}
2011-08-30 17:00:11.618 Catalogo-V1[3876:207] response: <Catalogo_V1PortBindingResponse: 0x5b25bd0>



您的服务器响应 HTTP status 404 (File Not Found) ,这意味着客户端正在将其 SOAP 请求发布到服务器未配置为响应的端点 (URL)。

例如,您的客户端可能指向 http://localhost:8080/foo 但服务器正在监听 http://localhost/bar

检查客户端上的端点 URL 和服务器配置,以确保它正在监听相同的 URL。

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