ruby-on-rails - 没有路由匹配 [GET] "/recipes/1/like"我想要一个 POST 请求

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby http post


No route matches [GET] "/recipes/1/like"

这是我的 routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  root 'pages#home'

  get '/home', to: "pages#home"

  resources :recipes do
    member do
      post 'like'

这是我的 recipes_controller:

  def like
    @recipe = Recipe.create(params[:id])
    Like.create(like: params[:like], chef: Chef.first, recipe: @recipe)
    #flash message
    flash[:success] = "Your selection was sucessful"
    redirect_to :back

这是我的 html.erb 文件:

<%= render 'shared/page_title', title:  %>

<div class= "row">
  <div class="col-md-4 pull-right center">
    <%= gravator_for @recipe.chef, size: 200 %>
      <h5>Brought to you by: <%= @recipe.chef.chefname.capitalize %></h5>
  <div class= "col-xs-8 col-md-8">
    <%= link_to "Edit this Recipe", edit_recipe_path(@recipe), class: "btn btn-success pull-right" %>
    <h3><%= @recipe.summary.capitalize %></h3>
    <div class="show_recipe">
      <%= image_tag(@recipe.picture.url, size: "300x200", class: "recipe-image") if @recipe.picture? %>
    <div class ="well recipe-description">
        <strong> Steps:</strong>
        <%= simple_format(@recipe.description) %>
        <div class="pull-right">
          <%= link_to like_recipe_path(@recipe, like: true), method: :post do %>
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></i>
          <% end %> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
          <%= link_to like_recipe_path(@recipe, like: false), :method => :post do %>
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down"></i>
          <% end %>

<h5><%= link_to "Return to Recipes Listings", recipes_path, class: "btn btn-warning btn-small" %></h5>

我已经明确地将 HTTP POST 请求添加到我的 html.erb 文件中

%= link_to like_recipe_path(@recipe, like: true), method: :post do %>

但 rails 提示没有 GET 路由请求,我从未在我的路由中创建该请求,因为我需要对 Web 应用程序的这个特定部分进行 POST 请求。

rake 路线:

     Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                 Controller#Action
       root GET    /                           pages#home
       home GET    /home(.:format)             pages#home
like_recipe POST   /recipes/:id/like(.:format) recipes#like
    recipes GET    /recipes(.:format)          recipes#index
            POST   /recipes(.:format)          recipes#create
 new_recipe GET    /recipes/new(.:format)      recipes#new
edit_recipe GET    /recipes/:id/edit(.:format) recipes#edit
     recipe GET    /recipes/:id(.:format)      recipes#show
            PATCH  /recipes/:id(.:format)      recipes#update
            PUT    /recipes/:id(.:format)      recipes#update
            DELETE /recipes/:id(.:format)      recipes#destroy


rails 版本:

Rails 4.2.5

我已经定义了操作,创建了 like 模型,将路由嵌套在 recipes 下,并在 html.erb 页面中明确请求了一个 post HTTP 请求。





# /views/events/splits.html.erb:

<%= link_to "Add",
   associate_splits_event_path(id:, split_ids: []),
   :method => :put,
   :class => 'btn btn-xs btn-success' %>

# routes.rb

  resources :events do
    member { put :associate_splits }

如果在上下文中查看它有帮助,请随意浏览存储库。这是 View 的链接:

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