http - Haskell SimpleHTTP 获取响应代码

标签 http haskell response http-response-codes

我正在尝试从 HTTP 类中使用 simpleHTTP 获取响应代码(200,404 等) 到目前为止:

--how to get the http response Int from response
getStatusCode response  = print 0

--this works...
--- othercode ---
rsp <- simpleHTTP (defaultGETRequest_ clean_uri) 
file_buffer <- getResponseBody(rsp)
--this fails
response = (getStatusCode rsp)



getResponseCode :: Result (Response ty) -> IO ResponseCode

来自 Network.HTTP如果您使用的是 HTTP-4000.2.4 或更高版本,则为模块。对于 HTTP 的早期版本,您显然必须在 rspCode 字段上对自己进行模式匹配,类似于下面为 rspReason 字段显示的方式。

如果您对原因感兴趣,请使用ResponserspReason 字段, 之后

rsp <- simpleHTTP ...


rsp :: Either ConnError (Response ty)  -- Result is a type synonym for (Either ConnError)


let reason = case rsp of
               Left err -> show err  -- for example
               Right response -> rspReason response
putStrLn $ "Here's why: " ++ reason

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