web-services - 如何使用名称/值对创建 HTTP POST 的 Mule ESB 服务?

标签 web-services http esb endpoints mule

我需要创建一个 mule 服务,它将数据 POST 到需要名称/值对(而不是 xml)的 Web 服务,然后处理来自该服务的 XML 响应。我找不到关于如何为 http POST 准备有效负载的好示例。



    <service name="myService">
            <vm:inbound-endpoint path="myService.request" synchronous="true">
                <custom-transformer class="PathToTransformerClass" />
                <http:outbound-endpoint address="URIofWebServiceToPostTo" method="POST" synchronous="true">
                        <custom-transformer class="PathToClassToProcessTheResponse" />



我也找不到任何示例,但看起来像是内置的 HTTP transformers

http-response-to-object-transformer A transformer that converts an HTTP response to a Mule Message. The payload may be a String, stream, or byte array.

http-response-to-string-transformer Converts an HTTP response payload into a string. The headers of the response will be preserved on the message.

object-to-http-request-transformer This transformer will create a valid HTTP request using the current message and any HTTP headers set on the current message.

message-to-http-response-transformer This transformer will create a valid HTTP response using the current message and any HTTP headers set on the current message.

对象到http-request-transformer可能是你最好的选择;也许您可以创建一个键值对映射,然后将其转换为 URL 编码形式?不确定,但希望这能为您提供一些有关 Google 的信息。

关于web-services - 如何使用名称/值对创建 HTTP POST 的 Mule ESB 服务?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3295188/


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