rest - CORS - 从 Postman 伪造 CORS 预检无法返回 header

标签 rest http cors postman

如果我伪造来自 Postman 的 OPTIONS 预检 CORS 请求,我不会从我的 API 返回 CORS header 。


在对 Microsoft.Owin.Cors 库进行完全逆向工程后,我发现 header 不在请求中!

这让我从 Postman 文档中发现了这个美丽的地方:

Restricted headers and cookies

Unfortunately some headers are restricted by Chrome and the XMLHttpRequest specification. The following headers are blocked:

Accept-Charset Accept-Encoding Access-Control-Request-Headers Access-Control-Request-Method Connection Content-Length Cookie Cookie 2 Content-Transfer-Encoding Date Expect Host Keep-Alive Origin Referer TE Trailer Transfer-Encoding Upgrade User-Agent Via


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