javascript - 如何使用 jQuery 根据某些条件获取 HTML 表的下一行?

标签 javascript jquery html

好的,我是 JQuery 的新手,我需要根据行对表进行一些操作。

该表由属于 3 个不同样式类的行组成 Brandcategorycategoryproducts .

  var table = $("table tbody");

  table.find(".brand").each(function(i) {

      var $tdsBrand = $(this).find("td"),
          brand = $tdsBrand.eq(0).text(),
          atyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(1).text(),
          alyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(2).text();
      console.log('Brand Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nBrand Name: ' + brand + '\nActual TY: ' + atyBrand + '\nActual LY: ' + alyBrand);

      var brandClass = $(this).attr("class");
      console.log('brand class : ' + brandClass);

      if (this row has next row as category) {

          //if($( "tr[class='category']" ))) {
          //if ("(.band):has(.category)") {
          //if ($(this).parents(".category").length == 1) {

          table.find(".category").each(function(i) {
              var catClass = $(this).attr("class");
              console.log('category class : ' + catClass);

              var $tdsCategory = $(this).find("td"),
                  category = $tdsCategory.eq(0).text(),
                  atyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(1).text(),
                  alyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(2).text();
              console.log('Category Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nCategory Name: ' + category + '\nActual TY: ' + atyCategory + '\nActual LY: ' + alyCategory);

              if (This row has next row as product) {

                  //if(next($( "tr[class='product']" ))) { 
                  //if ("(.category):has(.product)") {
                  //if ($(this).parents("product").length == 1) {

                  table.find(".product").each(function(i) {

                      var proClass = $(this).attr("class");
                      console.log('product class : ' + proClass);

                      var $tds = $(this).find("td"),
                          product = $tds.eq(0).text(),
                          aty = $tds.eq(1).text(),
                          aly = $tds.eq(2).text();
                      console.log('Product Row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nProduct Name: ' + product + '\nActual TY: ' + aty + '\nActual LY: ' + aly);

我想做的是,我必须总结产品的实际 TY 值并将它们显示在它们的类别中。然后将类别的实际 TY(根据不同类别的产品计算得出)汇总到他们的品牌。







var $table = $("table tbody");

$table.find(".brand").each(function (brandIndex) {
    var $brandRow = $(this);
    var $tdsBrand = $(this).find("td");
    var brandName = $tdsBrand.eq(0).text();
    var atyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(1).text();
    var alyBrand = $tdsBrand.eq(2).text();

    console.log('Brand Row ' + (brandIndex + 1) + ':\nBrand Name: ' + brandName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyBrand + '\nActual LY: ' + alyBrand);

    var $categoryRows = $brandRow.nextUntil('.brand').filter('.category');
    $categoryRows.each(function (categoryIndex) {
        var $categoryRow = $(this);
        var $tdsCategory = $categoryRow.find("td");
        var categoryName = $tdsCategory.eq(0).text();
        var atyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(1).text();
        var alyCategory = $tdsCategory.eq(2).text();

        console.log('Category Row: ' + (categoryIndex + 1) + ':\nCategory Name: ' + categoryName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyCategory + '\nActual LY: ' + alyCategory);

        var $productRows = $categoryRow.nextUntil('.brand, .category').filter('.product');
        $productRows.each(function (productIndex) {
            var $productRow = $(this);
            var $tdProducts = $productRow.find("td");
            var productName = $tdProducts.eq(0).text();
            var atyProduct = $tdProducts.eq(1).text();
            var aly = $tdProducts.eq(2).text();

            console.log('Product Row ' + (productIndex + 1) + ':\nProduct Name: ' + productName + '\nActual TY: ' + atyProduct + '\nActual LY: ' + aly);


我玩了一下 jQuery nextUntil() 方法作为文档:

Description: Get all following siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object passed.


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