javascript - 如何更改指令中元素的 css 类?

标签 javascript html css angularjs angularjs-directive

我想根据用户单击的按钮更改图标的颜色(假设有一个弹出窗口具有三个按钮,即高、中、低。如果用户单击“高”,它应该变为红色. 中 - 橙色.. 低 - 蓝色.. 我用三个按钮为 popover 做了一个指令。但我无法更新关于按钮单击的 css 类。


 <span class="tk-action-s">
 <i priority-over class="fa fa-star {{colorChanger}}" ng-class="colorChanger"></i>


myApplication.directive('priorityOver', function ($compile) {

    var itemsTemplate = "<div class=\"btn-group\"></div><div class=\"btn-group\"><label class=\"btn btn-danger\" ng-model=\"priority\" btn-radio=\"'high'\" ng-click=\"changeColor()\" uncheckable>High</label><label class=\"btn btn-warning\" ng-model=\"priority\" btn-radio=\"'medium'\" uncheckable>Medium</label><label class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-model=\"priority\" btn-radio=\"'low'\" uncheckable>Low</label></div>";
    var getTemplate = function () {
        var template = '';
        template = itemsTemplate;
        return template;
    return {
        restrict: "AC",
        transclude: true,
        template: "<span ng-transclude></span>",
        controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
        $scope.colorChanger = 'col';
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.colorChanger = 'col' ;
            var popOverContent;
                var html = getTemplate();
                popOverContent = $compile(html)(scope);
            var options = {
                content: popOverContent,
                placement: "bottom",
                html: true,
                //title: scope.title
            $('body').on('click', function (e) {
                $(element).each(function () {
                    // hide any open popovers when the anywhere else in the body is clicked
                    if (!$(this).is( && $(this).has( === 0 && $('.popover').has( === 0) {


正如nikos在评论中所说,它看起来很复杂。您似乎在混合作用域、指令和模板。你可能想看看 documentation .



<div ng-app="example"> 
<span class="tk-action-s">
    <button priority-over class="fa fa-star col"></button>

<script type="text/ng-template" id="priorityPopover">
    <div class="btn-group">
        <label class="btn btn-danger" btn-radio="'high'" ng-click="changePriority('high')" uncheckable>High</label>
        <label class="btn btn-warning" btn-radio="'medium'" ng-click="changePriority('medium')" uncheckable>Medium</label>
        <label class="btn btn-primary" btn-radio="'low'" ng-click="changePriority('low')" uncheckable>Low</label>


angular.module('example', []).directive('priorityOver', function ($compile, $templateCache) {
return {
    restrict: "AC",
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.changePriority = function (priority) {
            $(element).removeClass("low medium high");
            content: $compile($templateCache.get('priorityPopover').trim())(scope),
            placement: "bottom",
            html: true,
            trigger: 'focus'


请注意模板是如何从指令外部化并使用 $templateCache 服务加载的。也没有更多的嵌入,我们公开了通过范围从按钮添加和删除样式的行为。允许我们访问应用指令的元素。例如,当您想要进行单元测试时也很方便。

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