linux - 如何配置 gsutil?

标签 linux google-cloud-storage gsutil

我关注了 Google instructions设置 gsutil。它指出在终端中运行“gsutil config”后我应该看到:

This script will create a boto config file at /.boto containing your credentials, based on your responses to the following questions.

Please navigate your browser to the following URL: <http://urlto/authorization/dialog> In your browser you should see a page that requests you to authorize gsutil to access Google Cloud Storage on your behalf. After you approve, an authorization code will be displayed.

Enter the authorization code:


root@myserver# gsutil config
No command was given.

Choose one of -b, -d, -e, or -r to do something.
Try `/usr/bin/gsutil --help' for more information.

我在 Ubuntu 上使用 gsutil 版本 3,尝试使用/usr/bin/gsutil 的建议标志没有给出任何合理的结果。




很确定您安装了“配置和管理 GrandStream BudgeTone 100 VOIP 和 GS2000 电话”包,也称为 gsutil。所以这可能是导致问题的原因。如果您不需要 BudgeTone 工具,请将其删除。或者,使用解压/解压缩 gstools 的主目录的完整路径显式调用 google 工具。

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