javascript - 如何在 Google 应用程序脚本中将数组显示到 HTML 侧边栏

标签 javascript html arrays google-apps-script google-sheets

对于 google-apps-script 初学者来说,这是一个大项目,我有一个数组(columnValues)中的 list 列表,需要搜索用户关注的内容(成分)。现在它只是在寻找精确的匹配项,但我要回去让它更智能(在一些帮助下),尽管我现在无法让我的匹配项(匹配项)数组显示在我的侧边栏中。我想最终为用户提供一个更智能的潜在匹配列表(比如搜索水煮鸡会得到鸡胸肉、鸡翅和水煮三文鱼)。单击时,我希望将值写入与用户焦点相关的某些单元格(两个单元格上方)。


JSFiddle 链接:

Google 文档链接:

我没有使用 jQuery 而这个答案使用了它,可以使用翻译:How to return an array (Google apps script) to a HTML sidebar?


function onOpen() {
    .createMenu('Costing Tools')
    .addItem('Search menu', 'showSidebar')

function showSidebar() { // Brings up side bar to do inventory search
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('page')
    .setTitle('Inventory search')

function onSearch() { //When the search button is pressed it loops through the inventory list and finds exact matches eventually I'd like it to be smart
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var ingredient = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet().getActiveCell().getValue(); //user focus, they click on the item they want to search
  Logger.log('i ' + ingredient); //debug
  var isheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("INVENTORY");
  var columnValues = isheet.getRange("G:G").getValues(); //inventory list
  var i = columnValues.length,
    array, flag = false,
    matches = [];
  while (i--) { //walk through columnValues
    array = columnValues[i]; //get the ingredient in the li
    if (-1 !== array.indexOf(ingredient)) { //-1, string not found
      flag = true;
  if (!flag) {
    ui.alert('No match found.');
  } else {
    Logger.log('m ' + matches); //debug
    function makeUL(arr) { //This function not working 
      var list = document.createElement('ul'); // Create the list element
      Logger.log(list); //debug
      for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //loop through the array to make the list
        var item = document.createElement('li'); // Create the list item
        item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arr[i])); // Set its contents
        Logger.log(item); //debug
        list.appendChild(item); // Add it to the list
      Logger.log(list); //debug
      return list;
    document.getElementById('foo').appendChild(makeUL(matches)); //this doesn't work


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script >
    <base target="_top">
    <p>Click on the ingredient you want to find in inventory and then click search.</p>
    <button onclick="">Search</button>
    <div id="foo">Results</div>


"How could I fix the function that makes the list?"

你编写函数 makeUL(arr) 的地方,它负责 DOM 操作和这行代码:


完全是在错误的地方。您正在尝试在 google app script 文件中操作 HTML DOM 元素,而 google app script 无法直接操作 dom 元素。 HTML 的 document 和它的 API 在谷歌应用程序脚本中不可用。它在浏览器中可用。


您应该将 matches 列表从 google app script 返回给客户端,并在 page.html 中编写您的 makeUL 函数您的 javascript 将运行。


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <p>Click on the ingredient you want to find in inventory and then click search.</p>
    <button onclick="onSearchClickHandler()">Search</button>
    <div id="foo">Results</div>

    // search button click handler
    function onSearchClickHandler(e){
               // failure handler callback
                // arr is your match array returned by onSearch
                if(arr.length > 0){
                    var domList = makeUL(arr);
                    // document object will be available here

    function makeUL(arr) {  
        var list = document.createElement('ul'); // Create the list element
        console.log(list); //debug
        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //loop through the array to make the list
            var item = document.createElement('li'); // Create the list item
            item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(arr[i])); // Set its contents
            console.log(item); //debug
            list.appendChild(item); // Add it to the list
        console.log(list); //debug
        return list;

另请注意,在 makeUL 函数中,我已将 Logger.log 替换为 console.log,这是因为 Loggergoogle app script 中可用,console 在浏览器 window 对象中可用。


function onSearch() { //When the search button is pressed it loops through the inventory list and finds exact matches eventually I'd like it to be smart
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var ingredient = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet().getActiveCell().getValue(); //user focus, they click on the item they want to search
  Logger.log('i ' + ingredient); //debug
  var isheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("INVENTORY");
  var columnValues = isheet.getRange("G:G").getValues(); //inventory list
  var i = columnValues.length,
    array, flag = false,
    matches = [];
  while (i--) { //walk through columnValues
    array = columnValues[i]; //get the ingredient in the li
    if (-1 !== array.indexOf(ingredient)) { //-1, string not found
      flag = true;
  if (!flag) {
    ui.alert('No match found.');
  return matches;


"So should I make it a list or a table to display it in the sidebar based on what I want to do?"


"Any advice on making the search smarter would be welcome."


ingredientList = ["chicken breast", "chicken wings"];
ingredientWords = ingredientList[0].split(" ");

ingredientWords 将有 ["chicken", "breast"] 并检查此数组是否包含您的搜索词“chicken”,然后您可以在匹配项中添加该项目.

如果你想要更高级的匹配方案,你可以使用Levenshtein distance algorithm , bitap algorithm .您可以使用 fuzzy matching algorithms .你会发现很多字符串匹配、字符串相似度算法。使用高级算法取决于您的用例和您想要实现的目标。

" Also any tips for a beginner would be welcome."

通过谷歌应用程序脚本教程,查看 documentation了解哪些 API 可用以及它们的作用。此外,google app script 在 google 服务器上运行,因此您在浏览器中获得的所有那些 API 和 javascript 对象,即 window、document、console、alert 等在 google 上不可用应用程序脚本。操作 HTML dom 的代码应该在客户端,即浏览器上。

如何将字符串和对象从 google app script 发送到您在 中的客户端代码 document bound script 看到这个answer .

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