python - Django:有选择地将 CSS 样式应用于测验单选按钮

标签 python html django

我让用户参加测验。在每个问题之后,我想向他们展示他们的答案是正确的还是错误的。正确答案应以绿色突出显示,他们的答案(如果不正确)应以红色突出显示(使用 Twitter Bootstrap 样式)。

我目前正在 Django 和 HTML 中呈现测验结果页面,如下所示:

{{ player.question }}
<div class="myradio">
    <label for="choice_1"><input id="id_1" type="radio" value="q1" disabled /> {{q1}}</label>
<div class="myradio">
    <label for="choice_2"><input id="id_2" type="radio" value="q2" disabled /> {{q2}}</label>
<div class="myradio">
    <label for="choice_3"><input id="id_3" type="radio" value="q3" disabled /> {{q3}}</label>
<div class="myradio">
    <label for="choice_4"><input id="id_4" type="radio" value="q4" disabled /> {{q4}}</label>

<p><b>Correct Answer: {{solution}}<b></p>

Total Score: {{total_score}}

我将问题的解决方案存储在 {{solution}} 中。我一直在尝试弄清楚如何有选择地应用 CSS 过滤器,例如,如果 {{q1}} == {{solution}} 应该突出显示为绿色。我可以使用 {{player.submitted_answer}} 获取参与者的答案,因此如果 {{player.submitted_answer}} != {{solution}}

我试过弄乱 if 语句 block ,但似乎无法正确处理。有什么想法吗?

@cezar, 和 的片段

在 中我有以下类

class Question(Page):
    timeout_seconds = 120

    template_name = 'quiz/Question.html'
    form_model = 'player'
    form_fields = ['submitted_answer', 'confidence']

    def submitted_answer_choices(self):
        qd = self.player.current_question()
        return [

    def confidence_error_message(self, value):

        if value == 50:
            return 'Please indicate your confidence in your answer.  It is important you answer accurately.'

    def before_next_page(self):

在 中,相关的类是 Player 和 Subsession:

class Player(BasePlayer):

trial_counter = models.IntegerField(initial=0)

question_id = models.IntegerField()
confidence = models.FloatField(widget=widgets.Slider(attrs={'step': '0.01'}))
confidence_private = models.FloatField(widget=widgets.Slider(attrs={'step': '0.01'}))

question = models.StringField()
solution = models.StringField()
submitted_answer = models.StringField(widget=widgets.RadioSelect)
submitted_answer_private = models.StringField(widget=widgets.RadioSelect)

is_correct = models.BooleanField()
total_score = models.IntegerField(initial = 0)

def other_player(self):
    return self.get_others_in_group()[0]

def current_question(self):
    return self.session.vars['questions'][self.round_number - 1]

def check_correct(self):
    self.is_correct = self.submitted_answer == self.solution

def check_partner_correspondence(self):
    self.submitted_answer == self.get_others_in_group()[0].submitted_answer

def check_partner_correct(self):
    self.get_others_in_group()[0].submitted_answer == self.solution

def check_if_awarded_points(self):
    self.get_others_in_group()[0].submitted_answer == self.submitted_answer == self.solution

def score_points(self):
    if self.get_others_in_group()[0].submitted_answer == self.submitted_answer == self.solution:
        self.total_score +=1
        self.total_score -=1

def set_payoff(self):
        self.total_score +=1

class Subsession(BaseSubsession):

def creating_session(self):
    if self.round_number == 1:
        self.session.vars['questions'] = Constants.questions
        ## to randomize the order of the questions, you could instead do:

        # import random
        # randomized_questions = random.sample(Constants.questions, len(Constants.questions))
        # self.session.vars['questions'] = randomized_questions

        ## and to randomize differently for each participant, you could use
        ## the random.sample technique, but assign into participant.vars
        ## instead of session.vars.

    for p in self.get_players():
        question_data = p.current_question()
        p.question_id = question_data['id']
        p.question = question_data['question']
        p.solution = question_data['solution']


您可以使用一些 CSS 和最少的模板来实现这一点。

考虑以下 HTML 模板

这里的关键是class="answer{% if answer == solution %} solution{% endif %}"

<h2>{{ question }}</h2>
{% for answer in answers %}
    <label for="answer{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ answer }}</label>
    <input id="answer{{ forloop.counter }}" type="radio" name="answer" class="answer{% if answer == solution %} solution{% endif %}" value="{{ answer }}">
{% endfor %}

<p class="result incorrect">Sorry, that was not correct. The solution was {{ solution }}</p>
<p class="result correct">Correct! Answer: {{ solution }}</p>

使用以下 CSS

.result {
    display: none;
.answer:checked ~ .result.incorrect{
    display: block;
    color: red;
.answer.solution:checked ~ p.result.correct {
    display: block;
    color: green;

.answer.solution:checked ~ p.result.incorrect {
    display: none;


def quiz(request):
    question = "What is 2 + 2?"
    solution = "4"
    answers = [solution, "22", "NaN", "0"]
    return render(request, 'foobar/quiz.html', context=locals())

你会得到类似 this jsfiddle 的结果

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