html - 无法在子列表中删除直通线

标签 html css


以下代码显示了两个嵌套列表。外面一个带有 text-decoration:line-through 属性,另一个没有 line-through 。我怎样才能删除这个内线直通或首先不应用它?!!我想在“外部”而不是“内部”这个词上划线

    <DOCTYPE html>
ol li {text-decoration:line-through; color:red;}
ol li ul li{text-decoration:none; color:pink;}



您可以使用 display: inline-block 来避免父级的 text-decoration 影响其子级。


之所以有效,是因为根据 specs ,

When specified on or propagated to an inline element, it affects all the boxes generated by that element, and is further propagated to any in-flow block-level boxes that split the inline (see section But, in CSS 2.1, it is undefined whether the decoration propagates into block-level tables. For block containers that establish an inline formatting context, the decorations are propagated to an anonymous inline element that wraps all the in-flow inline-level children of the block container. For all other elements it is propagated to any in-flow children. Note that text decorations are not propagated to floating and absolutely positioned descendants, nor to the contents of atomic inline-level descendants such as inline blocks and inline tables.

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