html - 多个 :selectors on one CSS element?

标签 html css css-selectors

我正在对一个 CSS 元素进行样式化,我想知道我是否可以在一个 CSS 元素上使用多个 :selectors


p:hover:after {
    content: "Hello!";

因为,当我希望 p 悬停时,我希望 :after 选择器也被调用。


那个具体的例子是完全有效的,它的作用是demonstrated here .


CSS3 Selectors - 7. Pseudo-elements (reference)

Only one pseudo-element may appear per selector, and if present it must appear after the sequence of simple selectors that represents the subjects of the selector. Note: A future version of this specification may allow multiple pseudo-elements per selector.


对于可以在选择器中链接在一起的简单选择器的数量没有限制。而作为 @BoltClock states评论中只能有一个类型选择器或通用选择器。

CSS3 Selectors - 4. Selector syntax (reference)

A sequence of simple selectors is a chain of simple selectors that are not separated by a combinator. It always begins with a type selector or a universal selector.


#parent:first-of-type:first-child > .child:last-child p:not(#element):not(#otherelement):hover:after

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