markdown - 使用 markdown (kramdown) 创建 <span> 元素

标签 markdown html

是否可以使用 markdown 创建一个 span 元素?我正在使用 Kramdown 转换器。



根据Markdown syntax spec/documentation ,您应该能够使用纯 HTML <span>元素。此外,Kramdown documentation有一整节介绍一般使用 HTML 元素,以及 <span>特别是。

来自 Kramdown 的文档:

HTML tags cannot only be used on the block-level but also on the span-level. Span-level HTML tags can only be used inside one block-level element, it is not possible to use a start tag in one block level element and the end tag in another. Note that only correct XHTML is supported! This means that you have to use, for example, <br/> instead of <br> (although kramdown tries to fix such errors if possible).

By default, kramdown parses kramdown syntax inside span HTML tags. However, this behaviour can be configured with the parse_span_html option. If this is set to true, then syntax parsing in HTML spans is enabled, if it is set to false, parsing is disabled. It is also possible to enable/disable syntax parsing on a tag per tag basis using the markdown attribute:

  • If an HTML tag has an attribute markdown="0", then no parsing (except parsing of HTML span tags) is done inside that HTML tag.

  • If an HTML tag has an attribute markdown="1", then the content of the tag is parsed as span level elements.

  • If an HTML tag has an attribute markdown="block", then a warning is issued because HTML spans cannot contain block-level elements and the attribute is ignored.

  • If an HTML tag has an attribute markdown="span", then the content of the tag is parsed as span level elements.

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