linux - 建立 VPN 连接后 SSH 连接搞砸了

标签 linux ssh openvpn




I have a remote server (lets call it A) and a local computer (lets call it B), both running Ubuntu 14.04. I could establish a reversed SSH tunnel connecting A and B by doing so At server A: ssh -R 2014:localhost:22 userb@B At the local computer B: ssh -p 2014 usera@localhost

where user-a and user-b are two users at A and B, respectively.

Now, I connect A to a VPN. After the VPN connection is successfully established, the currently openning ssh session does not respond anymore. Also, I cannot ssh into A anymore until after I killed the VPN connection.

有没有办法让 SSH 和 VPN 都开心?也许将 SSH session 与 VPN 分开? (我发现了一种叫做 split 隧道但并没有真正理解它的东西)。有人可以启发我吗?



问题是 OpenVPN 更改了默认网关,这会中断您当前的 SSH 连接,除非您在启动 OpenVPN 之前设置适当的路由。

以下内容对我有用。它使用 iptables 和 ip (iproute2)。下面,假设OpenVPN启动前的默认网关接口(interface)是“eth0”。这个想法是为了确保当与 eth0 建立连接时,即使 eth0 不再是默认网关接口(interface),连接的响应数据包也会再次返回到 eth0。


# set "connection" mark of connection from eth0 when first packet of connection arrives
sudo iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j CONNMARK --set-mark 1234

# set "firewall" mark for response packets in connection with our connection mark
sudo iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m connmark --mark 1234 -j MARK --set-mark 4321

# our routing table with eth0 as gateway interface
sudo ip route add default dev eth0 table 3412

# route packets with our firewall mark using our routing table
sudo ip rule add fwmark 4321 table 3412



以上在 Debian Jessie 上对我来说很好用。但是在较旧的 Wheezy 系统上,我刚刚发现我需要将“via”添加到路由表条目中:

# our routing table with eth0 as gateway interface
sudo ip route add default dev eth0 via 12.345.67.89 table 3412


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