html - <p> 标签是 XHTML 中的 block 级元素?

标签 html xhtml

我知道在 HTML4.0 中


标签不是 block 级元素。 在 XHTML 1.0 中呢?



The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block-level elements (including P itself).



据我所知,p 是一个至少可以追溯到 HTML 3.2 的 block 级元素。

Most elements that can appear in the document body fall into one of two groups: block level elements which cause paragraph breaks, and text level elements which don't. Common block level elements include H1 to H6 (headers), P (paragraphs) LI (list items), and HR (horizontal rules). Common text level elements include EM, I, B and FONT (character emphasis), A (hypertext links), IMG and APPLET (embedded objects) and BR (line breaks). Note that block elements generally act as containers for text level and other block level elements (excluding headings and address elements), while text level elements can only contain other text level elements. The exact model depends on the element.

而且 XHTML 1.0 实际上与 HTML 4.01 完全相同,只是不那么宽松。这意味着元素服务于相同的目的,是相同的“级别”( block 、内联、表格),只适用这些规则:

  • 所有元素和属性名称必须以小写形式出现
  • 所有属性值都必须用引号引起来
  • 非空元素需要结束标签
  • 空元素使用空格和尾部斜线终止
  • 不允许属性最小化
  • 在严格的 XHTML 中,所有内联元素都必须包含在 block 元素中


The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block-level elements (including P itself).

这只是意味着 p 不能拥有内部的其他 block 级元素,这意味着因为它是 block 级的,所以它不能包含自己。

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