javascript - 如何停止自动重定向到另一个网页的html按钮

标签 javascript jquery html

我有一个 HTML 按钮:

   <img id = "click-me" src="https:..." alt="Add to List" style="width: 50px"/>

点击时,应执行此 JQuery 代码:

$(function () {
    $("#click-me").click(function () {
        document.getElementById('list').style.backgroundColor = "red";      



这是页面的完整 html:

<div class="form">
      <h1>Create A Meeting</h1>

      <%= form_for(@newevent) do |f| %>

          <%= f.text_field :name, :placeholder => "Title" %>
          <!--< f.collection_select :location, Location.all, :id, :locName %> FOR WHEN LOCATIONS ARE A THING-->
          <%= f.text_field :description, :placeholder => "Short Description" %>

            <h2>Who's involved?</h2>
            <p>select a colleague to compare their calendar with yours</p>
            <%= f.collection_select :id,
                                    Customer.where(business_id: current_customer.business_id),
                                    { prompt: 'Select' },
                                    { id: "colleage-select", onChange: "renderColCal(this)" } %>
            <button id="click-me" type="button">
              <img  src="" alt="Add to Event" style="width: 50px"/>

            <div class = 'row'>
                <div class = 'col-md-6' id = 'left-calendar-wrapper'>
                  <h3>Your calendar:</h3>
                  <%= render partial: '/calendars/show', locals: {} %>

                <div class="col-md-6" id="calendar-wrapper">
                  <h3>Your colleague's calendar:</h3>

                <p>Meeting Participants:</p>
                <ol id ="list">




            <h2>when do you want it to start?</h2>
            <%= f.datetime_select :starts_at, :placeholder => "when do you want it?"   %>

            <h2>when do you want it to end?</h2>
            <%= f.datetime_select :ends_at, :placeholder => "when should it end?"  %>

          <%= f.submit "Create Meeting", class: "btn-submit" %>
      <% end %>


JQuery 保持不变


id="click-me" 添加到 button 而不是 img。另外,请为 button 添加 type="button"

添加 e.preventDefault()return false:

$(function () {
    $("#click-me").click(function () {
        document.getElementById('list').style.backgroundColor = "red";
        return false;


$(function () {
    $("#click-me").click(function (e) {
        document.getElementById('list').style.backgroundColor = "red";

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