javascript - 水平 Accordion 的全宽度(HTML、CSS、JQuery)

标签 javascript jquery html css accordion

我在这里使用水平 Accordion :

我让它显示完整高度,但我在宽度方面遇到了问题,它要么根本不工作,要么在每个列表项上生成 500 像素的内联宽度,我不确定它在哪里拉它从。我试图将我的代码上传到 JS Fiddle,但我遇到了麻烦 :( 下面是代码:


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="redo.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/accordion.js">
        * Horizontal Accordion script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
        * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
        * Visit Dynamic Drive at for this script and 100s more
    <script type="text/javascript">

    accordionid: 'hc1', //main accordion div id
    paneldimensions: {peekw:'50px', fullw:'100%', h:'100%'},
    selectedli: [0, true], //[selectedli_index, persiststate_bool]
    collapsecurrent: false //<- No comma following very last setting!
        <div id="hc1" class="haccordion">

                <div class="hpanel">
                <img src="" style="float:left; padding-right:8px; width:200px; height:148px" />The Andaman Sea is regarded as Thailand's most precious natural resource as it hosts the most popular and luxurious resorts in Asia.

                <div class="hpanel">
                <img src="" style="float:left; padding-right:8px; width:200px; height:148px" />Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited.

                <div class="hpanel">
                <img src="" style="float:left; padding-right:8px; width:200px; height:148px" />Malaysia is a South Asian country rich in natural resources in areas such as agriculture, forestry and minerals.

                <div class="hpanel">
                <img src="" style="float:left; padding-right:8px; width:200px; height:148px" />Agriculture has long been the most important sector of the Cambodian economy.

                <div class="hpanel">
                <img src="" style="float:left; padding-right:8px; width:200px; height:148px" />Langkawi is particularly known for its beaches which are among the best in Malaysia.



html, body
    width: 100%;


#hc1, #hc1 ul, #hc1 li
    height: 100%;

#hc1, #hc1 ul
    width: 100%;

    border: 1px solid black;
    height: 100%;

/* -- Start Accordion -- */
    padding: 0;

.haccordion ul{
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
    overflow: hidden; /*leave as is*/

.haccordion li{
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    display: block; /*leave as is*/
    overflow: hidden; /*leave as is*/
    float: left; /*leave as is*/
/* -- End Accordion -- */


/ * Horizontal Accordion script * Created: Oct 27th,
2009.This notice must stay intact
for usage * Author: Dynamic Drive at http: //
* Visit http: // for full source code
* /

var haccordion={
    / / customize loading message
if accordion markup is fetched via Ajax: ajaxloadingmsg: '<div style="margin: 1em; font-weight: bold"><img src="ajaxloadr.gif" style="vertical-align: middle" /></div>',

accordioninfo: {},
//class that holds config information of each haccordion instance
expandli: function(accordionid, targetli) {
    var config = haccordion.accordioninfo[accordionid]
    var $targetli = (typeof targetli == "number") ? config.$targetlis.eq(targetli) : (typeof targetli == "string") ? jQuery('#' + targetli) : jQuery(targetli)
    if (typeof config.$lastexpanded != "undefined") //targetli may be an index, ID string, or DOM reference to LI
        width: config.paneldimensions.peekw
    }, config.speed) //contract last opened content
        width: $'hpaneloffsetw')
    }, config.speed) //expand current content
    config.$lastexpanded = $targetli

urlparamselect: function(accordionid) {
    var result = RegExp(accordionid + "=(\\d+)", "i")) //check for "?accordionid=index" in URL
    if (result != null) result = parseInt(RegExp.$1) + "" //return value as string so 0 doesn't test for false
    return result //returns null or index, where index is the desired selected hcontent index

getCookie: function(Name) {
    var re = new RegExp(Name + "=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
    if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
    return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
    return null

setCookie: function(name, value) {
    document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"

loadexternal: function($, config) { //function to fetch external page containing the entire accordion content markup
    var $hcontainer = $('#' + config.ajaxsource.container).html(this.ajaxloadingmsg)
        url: config.ajaxsource.path,
        //path to external content
        async: true,
        error: function(ajaxrequest) {
            $hcontainer.html('Error fetching content.<br />Server Response: ' + ajaxrequest.responseText)
        success: function(content) {
            haccordion.init($, config)

init: function($, config) {
    haccordion.accordioninfo[config.accordionid] = config //cache config info for this accordion
    var $targetlis = $('#' + config.accordionid).find('ul:eq(0) > li') //find top level LIs
    config.$targetlis = $targetlis
    config.selectedli = config.selectedli || [] //set default selectedli option
    config.speed = config.speed || "normal" //set default speed
    $targetlis.each(function(i) {
        var $target = $(this).data('pos', i) //give each li an index #
        $'hpaneloffsetw', $target.find('.hpanel:eq(0)').outerWidth()) //get offset width of each .hpanel DIV (config.dimensions.fullw + any DIV padding)
        $ {
            haccordion.expandli(config.accordionid, this)
            config.$lastexpanded = $(this)
/*if (config.collapsecurrent){ //if previous content should be contracted when expanding current
                        $(this).stop().animate({width:config.paneldimensions.peekw}, config.speed) //contract previous content
    }) //end $targetlis.each
    var selectedli = haccordion.urlparamselect(config.accordionid) || ((config.selectedli[1] && haccordion.getCookie(config.accordionid)) ? parseInt(haccordion.getCookie(config.accordionid)) : config.selectedli[0])
    selectedli = parseInt(selectedli)
    if (selectedli >= 0 && selectedli < config.$targetlis.length) { //if selectedli index is within range
        config.$lastexpanded = $targetlis.eq(selectedli)
        config.$lastexpanded.css('width', config.$'hpaneloffsetw')) //expand selected li
    $(window).bind('unload', function() { //clean up and persist on page unload
        haccordion.uninit($, config)
    }) //end window.onunload

uninit: function($, config) {
    var $targetlis = config.$targetlis
    var expandedliindex = -1 //index of expanded content to remember (-1 indicates non)
    $targetlis.each(function() {
        var $target = $(this)
        if ($target.width() == $'hpaneloffsetw')) expandedliindex = $'pos')
    if (config.selectedli[1] == true) //enable persistence?
    haccordion.setCookie(config.accordionid, expandedliindex)

setup: function(config) {
    //Use JS to write out CSS that sets up initial dimensions of each LI, for JS enabled browsers only
    document.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
    document.write('#' + config.accordionid + ' li{width: ' + config.paneldimensions.peekw + ';\nheight: ' + config.paneldimensions.h + ';\n}\n')
    document.write('#' + config.accordionid + ' li .hpanel{width: ' + config.paneldimensions.fullw + ';\nheight: ' + config.paneldimensions.h + ';\n}\n')
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //on Dom load
        if (config.ajaxsource) //if config.ajaxsource option defined
        haccordion.loadexternal($, config)
        else haccordion.init($, config)
    }) //end DOM load


在这方面的任何帮助都会很棒。最后,我希望打开的 Accordion 能够占据用户的全屏,无论他们使用什么分辨率。这是不工作的 JSFiddle:

注意 我想通了,由于 peekw 值具有像素宽度,所以它没有将宽度取为 100%。它是否占窥视宽度的百分比。我该如何解决这个问题?


该库不是为处理 % 宽度而设计的,也不是为了防止 Accordion 溢出。

要修复,您需要编辑 haccordion.js(您显然已将其重命名为“accordion.js”)。


    var $target=$(this).data('pos', i) //give each li an index #
    $'hpaneloffsetw', $target.find('.hpanel:eq(0)').outerWidth()) //get offset width of each .hpanel DIV (config.dimensions.fullw + any DIV padding)


var maxWidth    = $targetlis.parent ().width ();
$targetlis.each ( function () { maxWidth -= $(this).outerWidth (true); } );

    var $target=$(this).data('pos', i) //give each li an index #

    var lclMaxWidth     = maxWidth + $target.find ('.hpanel:eq(0)').outerWidth (true);
    $target.css ('width', config.paneldimensions.fullw);

    //get offset width of each .hpanel DIV (config.dimensions.fullw + any DIV padding)
    var hpaneloffsetw   = $target.find ('.hpanel:eq(0)').outerWidth (true);
    if (hpaneloffsetw > lclMaxWidth)
        hpaneloffsetw   = lclMaxWidth;

    $'hpaneloffsetw', hpaneloffsetw);
    $target.css ('width', '');

我还将文件和所做的更改放在。 .

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