javascript - 如何在 CSS 和 HTML(打印媒体)中正确地对脚注进行分页

标签 javascript html css printing pagination

当使用 CSS3 的 @media print 模式和 (十)HTML?或者你能告诉我实现类似目标的 Javascript 秘诀吗?


I have found a solution for this problem by working in an entirely different direction. Thankfully, I was already producing the XHTML from XML with an XSLT transform. I wrote another transform file, that went to (believe it or not) XeLaTeX; I wrote a Python script to apply the transform, then called it from a Bash build script (which had to use tail to hack off the first line, which is an XML declaration illegal in XeLaTeX) and then does two passes of compilation to produce the final PDF document with properly paginated footnotes

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