javascript - `setTimeout` ,通过字符串传递,返回错误

标签 javascript html css



function dismiss(obj) {setTimeout(function() { = "none";}, 20);}

而第二个返回error: obj is not defined:

function dismiss(obj) {setTimeout(' = "none"', 20);}

附言: An example


答案就在closures , or more in depth .

在第一个示例中,obj 变量在创建匿名函数时被捕获。当函数运行时,捕获的 obj 引用用于访问 style,效果很好。

但是在第二个中,没有闭包,因为字符串是通过 eval inside setTimeout 运行的,如 Mozilla documentation 中所述, 将在全局上下文中执行:

String literals are evaluated in the global context, so local symbols in the context where setTimeout() was called will not be available when the string is evaluated as code.


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