javascript - 如何读取 JSON 数据并将其与变量进行比较

标签 javascript html json

我在 JSON 文件中有两组数据:

Admins = [{"Admin":"jhonmorris"},{"Admin":"clarkechris"}]
UIDS = [{"password":"Jhon", "username":"jhonmorris"}, {"password":"Jean", "username":"jeanheadly"}, {"password":"Clarke", "username":"clarkechris"}]

我有一个 HTML,用户登录页面为:

<script type="text/javascript" src="data.json" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="checking.js" ></script>

<form name="myForm" method="post">
UserName<input type="text" id="uid" value="uid"/>
UserPassword<input type="password" id="pwd" value="pwd"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="fnCheck()"/>


我有两种类型的用户,一种是admin(Adminsin JSON),另一种是普通用户(JSON 中除 Admins 之外的任何其他用户用户名)。单击提交按钮时,我想获取在 var x 中输入的用户 ID,并从 中的 UIDS 检查它是否具有与其对应的正确密码>JSON。此外,我想检查相同的用户名是否属于 JSON 中的 Admins 数据集。如果是,我想将他重定向到谷歌。如果没有,我想将他重定向到雅虎。 我正在使用 JavaScript 读取 JSON 数据,如下所示:

function fnCheck(){
    alert("in fnCheck()");
    if(checkUP() == true){
        alert("checkUP returned true! UserID and Password are correct");
        if(checkAdmin() == true){
            alert("checkAdmin() returned true! going to admin page now");
            window.location = '';
        else if(checkAdmin() == false){
            alert("checkAdmin() returned false! going to userIndex page now");
            window.location = '';
        alert("checkUP() returned false. Creds are Invalid!");

function checkAdmin(){
    alert("in checkAdmin()");
    //var adminJSON = JSON.parse(Admins); 
    //length = adminJSON.length;
    x = document.forms["myForm"]["uid"].value;

    for(var key in Admins){
        var admin = Admins[key]

        if(admin.Admin == x){
            alert("Admin match found. Returning true!");
            return true;

            alert("Admin match not found. Returning false");
            return false;

function checkUP(){
    var x = document.forms["myForm"]["uid"].value;
    var y = document.forms["myForm"]["pwd"].value;
    alert("In checkUP, value of x = "+x+" calue of y = "+y);

    for(var key in UP){
        var user = UP[key]

        //if(user.username == x && user.password == y){
        if(x.match(user.username) && x.match(user.password)){
            alert("user.username = "+user.username+"user.password = "+user.password+" User Id and password matched. Returning true now");
            //alert("Matching "+x+ "with "+user.username"+ and "+y+" with user.password"+ y);
            return true;

            //alert("User ID and password did not match. Returning false now. user.username = "+user.username+" user.password = "+user.password);
            return false;




<form name="myForm" method="post" onsubmit="fnCheck(event)">


  • 在 JSON 中存储密码是一种非常糟糕的做法,它会使您的页面非常脆弱且不安全。

  • 给定的文件没有提供有效的 JSON 结构,这些只是 JavaScript 对象,假设你有一个有效的 JSON,使用 JSON.parse(json) 来解析你的 json对象/数组。

  • 您的函数中存在一些错误,例如使用 undefined 变量,例如 UP 的情况。
  • 这是一个演示,您可以在其中测试您的函数是否使用 onsubmit 正确调用,但您仍然需要删除/更正 undefined 变量。

var Admins = [{
  "Admin": "jhonmorris"
}, {
  "Admin": "clarkechris"
UIDS = [{
  "password": "Jhon",
  "username": "jhonmorris"
}, {
  "password": "Jean",
  "username": "jeanheadly"
}, {
  "password": "Clarke",
  "username": "clarkechris"

function fnCheck(e) {
  console.log("in fnCheck()");
  if (checkUP() == true) {
    console.log("checkUP returned true! UserID and Password are correct");
    if (checkAdmin() == true) {
      alert("checkAdmin() returned true! going to admin page now");
      window.location = '';
    } else if (checkAdmin() == false) {
      alert("checkAdmin() returned false! going to userIndex page now");
      window.location = '';
  } else {
    alert("checkUP() returned false. Creds are Invalid!");

function checkAdmin() {
  alert("in checkAdmin()");
  //var adminJSON = JSON.parse(Admins); 
  //length = adminJSON.length;
  x = document.forms["myForm"]["uid"].value;

  for (var key in Admins) {
    var admin = Admins[key]

    if (admin.Admin == x) {
      console.log("Admin match found. Returning true!");
      return true;
    } else {
      console.log("Admin match not found. Returning false");
      return false;

function checkUP() {
  var x = document.forms["myForm"]["uid"].value;
  var y = document.forms["myForm"]["pwd"].value;
  console.log("In checkUP, value of x = " + x + " calue of y = " + y);

  for (var key in UP) {
    var user = UP[key]

    //if(user.username == x && user.password == y){
    if (x.match(user.username) && x.match(user.password)) {
      console.log("user.username = " + user.username + "user.password = " + user.password + " User Id and password matched. Returning true now");
      return true;
    } else {

      return false;
<form name="myForm" method="post"  onsubmit="fnCheck(event)">
  <input type="text" id="uid" value="uid" />UserPassword
  <input type="password" id="pwd" value="pwd" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


在您的函数中,您在 if 语句中返回 true/false,因此它将始终在第一次迭代中离开该函数。

您应该使用 bool 标志并在 if 语句中相应地更改其值,并仅在函数末尾返回它:

function checkUP() {
  var bool = false;
  var x = document.forms["myForm"]["uid"].value;
  var y = document.forms["myForm"]["pwd"].value;
  console.log("In checkUP, value of x = " + x + " calue of y = " + y);

  for (var key in UP) {
    var user = UP[key]
    if (x === user.username && y === user.password) {
      console.log("user.username = " + user.username + "user.password = " + user.password + " User Id and password matched. Returning true now");
      return true;
  return bool;

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