jquery - 调整大小时图像 map /区域坐标更新

标签 jquery html


<img src ="image/main.jpg" style="width:100%;height:100%; min-width:600px; min-height:400px;" alt="Main" usemap="#MainMap">

<map name="MainMap">
<area id="login" class="login" shape="circle" coords="91,677,92">
<area id="money_management" class="money" shape="circle" coords="598,680,92">
<area id="withdraw_history" shape="circle" coords="596,304,67">
<area id="transaction_history" shape="circle" coords="784,624,67" href="History.html">
<area id="cart" shape="circle" coords="396,698,67,92">
<area id="buy" shape="circle" coords="898,352,92">
<area id="sell" shape="circle" coords="718,438,92">
<area id="new" shape="circle" coords="570,132,92" href="New.html">

我以前有过这个,当我将图像设为静态并让它处理其他东西时,我希望在它们重新调整窗口大小后更新坐标我知道如何在 jquery 中检测重新调整大小我不能查找有关更新坐标的任何语法示例。


这是一个很棒的 jQuery 插件,它完全可以满足您的需求:

Responsive Image Maps jQuery Plugin

* rwdImageMaps jQuery plugin v1.4    
* Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating 
* the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and 
* window.resize     
* Copyright (c) 2012 Matt Stow    
* https://github.com/stowball/jQuery-rwdImageMaps    
* http://mattstow.com    
* Licensed  under the MIT license


关于jquery - 调整大小时图像 map /区域坐标更新,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13151469/


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