c++ - 使用 IMFSourceReaderCallback 检测 USB 摄像头断开连接

标签 c++ ms-media-foundation

我正在使用 IMFSourceReaderCallback 异步 C++ 实现来读取和处理 USB 摄像头视频流

它工作正常,只是如果相机被拔掉(这种情况经常发生,因为我们使用了许多 USB 中继器),我不会收到通知。以下是代码摘录:

HRESULT CMFSourceReaderCallback::OnEvent(DWORD dwStreamIndex, IMFMediaEvent *pEvent)
    // I was hoping to get an Event here if I lost the camera, but no...
    // The break point nether hits, and from EvilCorp documentation, there is no such event type
    return S_OK;

HRESULT CMFSourceReaderCallback::OnReadSample(
    HRESULT hrStatus,
    DWORD dwStreamIndex,
    DWORD dwStreamFlags,
    LONGLONG llTimestamp,
    IMFSample *pSample)
    bool isGrabbing = false;
        if (SUCCEEDED(hrStatus))
            if (pSample)
                // Do something with the sample.
                IMFMediaBuffer * pMediaBuffer;
                HRESULT hr;
                hr = pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&pMediaBuffer);

                if (FAILED(hr))
                   // Inform other thread of the disconnection
                   return S_OK;
                byte *imgBuff;
                DWORD buffCurrLen = 0;
                DWORD buffMaxLen = 0;
                pMediaBuffer->Lock(&imgBuff, &buffMaxLen, &buffCurrLen);

                // Process image byte buffer
            // Inform other thread of the disconnection
            return S_OK;

        if ((MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM & dwStreamFlags) ||
            (MF_SOURCE_READERF_ERROR & dwStreamFlags))
            // Inform other thread of the disconnection
            return S_OK;
    } catch (std::exception &ex )
            // Inform other thread of the disconnection
            return S_OK;

    // check if other thread has not requested a stop
    isGrabbing = ...;

    if (isGrabbing)
        //Re-arm callback
        HRESULT hr = _dataStruct->Reader->ReadSample(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, 
                                0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            // Inform other thread of the disconnection
            return S_OK;

    return S_OK;

有没有一种方法可以通过 IMFSourceReader 获取此类通知,而无需时不时地使用 MFEnumDeviceSources 轮询可用设备,这可能非常耗时......?



处理捕获设备丢失的推荐方法解释如下:Handling Video Device Loss


在消息循环中,您将收到WM_DEVICECHANGE。您必须检查符号链接(symbolic link)(是 USB 摄像头吗?)。

完成后,调用 UnregisterDeviceNotification。

关于c++ - 使用 IMFSourceReaderCallback 检测 USB 摄像头断开连接,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34332619/


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