c++ - 计算 map 内的重叠时间 C++

标签 c++ time dictionary overlapping

我有一个 key = startTime 和 value = endTime 的 map ,如下所示:


(uint32_tunsigned __int32,但这与这里无关)。


哪种计算方法最快? std::map 中是否有任何函数/方法可以解决此类问题?


start 100 - end 1000 / start 120 - end 200 / start 250 - end 400 / start 600 - end 800

答案是 2(1 与 2、1 与 3、1 与 4,但其他都不相互)


我会首先使用一种简单的方法,使用边 table ;它将接近扫线算法。


  • 按顺序迭代连接(此处按开始时间排序)
  • 保留一组当前涉及的连接



struct Connection {
    uint32_t start;
    uint32_t end;
}; // struct Connection

// std::priority_queue only let you access the MAXIMUM element, so the predicate
// is the OPPOSITE of what we usually write...
struct OrderByEnd {
    bool operator()(Connection const& left, Connection const& right) const {
        if (left.end > right.end) { return true; }
        if (left.end < right.end) { return false; }
        return left.start > right.start;
}; // struct OrderByEnd

using CurrentlyOverlappingType = std::priority_queue<Connection, std::deque<Connection>, OrderByEnd>;


size_t countMaxNumberOfOverlaps(std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> const& connections) {
    if (connections.empty()) { return 0; }

    size_t max = 0;
    CurrentlyOverlappingType currentlyOverlapping;

    for (auto const& con: connections) {
        // Purge no longer overlapping connections
        while (not currentlyOverlapping.empty() and currentlyOverlapping.top().end < con.first) {

        // Debug:
        if (not currentlyOverlapping.empty()) {
            std::cout << "[" << con.first << ", " << con.second <<
                "] is overlapping with: " << currentlyOverlapping.size() << " connections\n";

        // The current connection is necessarily overlapping with itself
        currentlyOverlapping.push(Connection{con.first, con.second});

        max = std::max(max, currentlyOverlapping.size());

    return max;
} // countMaxNumberOfOverlaps

it works as expected :

[120, 200] is overlapping with: 1 connections
[250, 400] is overlapping with: 1 connections
[600, 800] is overlapping with: 1 connections
Max number of overlaps: 2


  • 最坏情况复杂度:O(N * log(N)) 我想说(因为插入优先级队列是对数的)
  • 平均情况复杂度:O(N * log(O)),其中 O 是重叠连接的数量

注:在算法分析中,我认为purge部分的复杂度是摊余常数;我们知道项目将被清除,因此我们可以在插入成本中考虑它们的清除。插入 N 个项目,将清除 N 个项目。作为清除过程的一部分执行的比较次数(我认为)也是摊销常数(所有项目的总数上限为 2N),尽管它是直觉而不是计算。因此,清除的成本与将项目插入优先级队列的成本相形见绌,每个项目为 log(O)。

关于c++ - 计算 map 内的重叠时间 C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22322992/


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