PHPDoc:@return void 有必要吗?

标签 php return-value phpdoc


 * ...
 * @return void





我站得更正了。经过一番谷歌搜索,wikipedia page说:

@return [type description] This tag should not be used for constructors or methods defined with a void return type. 网站说:

@return datatype description
@return datatype1|datatype2 description

The @return tag is used to document the return value of functions or methods. @returns is an alias for @return to support tag formats of other automatic documentors

The datatype should be a valid PHP type (int, string, bool, etc), a class name for the type of object returned, or simply "mixed". If you want to explicitly show multiple possible return types, list them pipe-delimited without spaces (e.g. "@return int|string"). If a class name is used as the datatype in the @return tag, phpDocumentor will automatically create a link to that class's documentation. In addition, if a function returns multiple possible values, separate them using the | character, and phpDocumentor will parse out any class names in the return value. phpDocumentor will display the optional description unmodified.


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