c++ - 使用公共(public)成员变量的地址来访问私有(private)成员

标签 c++ pointers memory-management


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CarType{
    int year;
    CarType(int price, int year){this -> year = year; this -> price = price;};
    int price;

int main(){
  //Create new CarType object
  CarType a = CarType(15000, 1999);
  //Increment the memory address of public member variable, year by 1 and save the result
  int* pricePointer = &a.year+1;
  //De-reference the memory address and output it
  cout << "PRICE: "<< *pricePointer << endl;
  return 0;





我在上一段中说可能的原因是它并不完全清楚。在语言律师术语中,请参阅 C++14 5.7 加法运算符/4:

For the purposes of these operators, a pointer to a nonarray object behaves the same as a pointer to the first element of an array of length one with the type of the object as its element type.

/5 在讨论向指针添加整数值时:

If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.


您可能认为取消引用对象是未定义的,但根据 3.9.2 复合类型/3 中的注释,它似乎可能是有效的:

For instance, the address one past the end of an array (5.7) would be considered to point to an unrelated object of the array’s element type that might be located at that address.

但是,无论是否未定义,取消引用仍然是不明智的,因为您实际上并不知道那里有一个正确类型的变量。实现可以自由地填充他们认为合适的结构,因此不能保证 price*(year + 1) 相同。

关于c++ - 使用公共(public)成员变量的地址来访问私有(private)成员,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37981617/


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