c++ - C++中的精确采样

标签 c++ sampling c++-chrono

我想每秒对从 GPIO 获得的值进行 4000 次采样,目前我正在执行类似的操作:

std::vector<int> sample_a_chunk(unsigned int rate, unsigned int block_size_in_seconds) {
    std::vector<std::int> data;
    constexpr unsigned int times = rate * block_size_in_seconds;
    constexpr unsigned int delay = 1000000 / rate; // microseconds
    for (int j=0; j<times; j++) {
      data.emplace_back(/* read the value from the gpio */);
    return data;

但是根据引用 sleep_for 保证等待至少指定的时间。

如何让我的系统等待准确的时间,或者至少达到尽可能高的准确性? 我如何确定系统的时间分辨率?




std::vector<int> sample_a_chunk(unsigned int rate,
    unsigned int block_size_in_seconds)
    using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;

    std::vector<int> data;

    const auto times = rate * block_size_in_seconds;
    const auto delay = std::chrono::microseconds{1000000 / rate};

    auto next_sample = clock::now() + delay;

    for(int j = 0; j < times; j++)
        data.emplace_back(/* read the value from the gpio */);


        next_sample += delay; // don't refer back to clock, stay absolute
    return data;

关于c++ - C++中的精确采样,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39987806/


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