c++ - 矩阵模板类复制构造函数不起作用?

标签 c++ matrix copy-constructor

我正在尝试开发一个由 Row、Col 参数化的矩阵类模板,并在此处键入...接口(interface)

template < std::size_t N, std::size_t M , typename data_type = double> 
class Matrix {

       template<std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename T>
       friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& ,const Matrix<R,C,T>& ) ;

       template<std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename T>
        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& ,Matrix<R,C,T>& ) ;


       constexpr Matrix() noexcept ;        

       constexpr explicit Matrix(const data_type val) noexcept ;

       template <typename ...T>
       constexpr Matrix(T&& ...args) noexcept; 

       Matrix<N,M,data_type>(const Matrix<N,M,data_type>& rsh) noexcept;   

      Matrix<N,M,data_type>(Matrix<N,M,data_type>& rsh) noexcept;   

      decltype(auto) type() const noexcept; 

      decltype(auto) print() const noexcept ;

      data_type& operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) noexcept ;

      const data_type operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col)const noexcept ;

      Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& rhs) noexcept ;


        std::valarray<data_type> data ;

        decltype(auto) getSize() const noexcept { return data.size(); }


问题是复制构造函数(定义如下)不起作用..从某种意义上说,当我尝试构造一个 Matrix 对象时

 Matrix<3,3,double> M4(M3); 

其中M3当然是Matrix<3,3,double>类型 我遇到了很多错误,因为编译器尝试调用运算符重载 () ,或者如果 ai 尝试注释掉该运算符将调用 Matrix(T&&...args) ! ...我编写了我的复制构造函数如下:

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
Matrix<R,C,data_type>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C,data_type>& rhs) noexcept {
          std::cout << "copy Constructor" << std::endl;
          *this = rhs ;  // I have defined the assignament operator and it works!

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
Matrix<R,C,data_type>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C,data_type>& rhs) noexcept {
      std::cout << "copy Constructor" << std::endl;
          *this = rhs ; // I have defined the assignament operator and it works!

我知道没有必要定义 2 个复制构造函数...但我尝试过只使用第一个,但事情没有改变..我总是得到:

     g++ mainMatrix.cpp --std=c++1y
mainMatrix.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
mainMatrix.cpp:31:8: error: no match for call to ‘(Matrix<3ul, 3ul, double>) (Matrix<3ul, 3ul, double>&)’


template<std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename T>
inline constexpr Matrix<R,C,T>::Matrix() noexcept {

    std::size_t k=0 ;
    for(auto& i : data){
        data[k] = 0.0 ;
        k += 1;

template<std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename T>
inline constexpr Matrix<R,C,T>::Matrix(const T val) noexcept {

    std::size_t k=0 ;
     for (auto& i : data ){
         data[k] = val ;
         k += 1;

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
template <typename ...T>

inline constexpr Matrix<R,C,data_type>::Matrix(T&& ...args) noexcept : data{args ... } 
            static_assert(sizeof...(T) == R*C, "Data list number doesn't fit the Matrix size!" );
            if(sizeof...(T) != R*C)    
                std::cerr << "Data list number doesn't fit the Matrix size!!" << std::endl ;  

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
Matrix<R,C,data_type>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C,data_type>& rhs) noexcept {
          std::cout << "copy Constructor" << std::endl;
          *this = rhs ;

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
Matrix<R,C,data_type>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C,data_type>& rhs) noexcept {
      std::cout << "copy Constructor" << std::endl;
          *this = rhs ;

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
decltype(auto) Matrix<R,C,data_type>::print() const noexcept {

       unsigned short k = 0;
        for(unsigned short i=0; i < R ; i++ ){
            for (unsigned short j=0; j < C ; j++){
               std::cout << std::setw(6) << data[k] << ' ' ; 
            std::cout << std::endl ; 

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
decltype(auto) Matrix<R,C,data_type>::type() const noexcept
    std::cout << "Matrix data type "  << type_id_with_cvr<decltype(*(std::begin(data)))>().pretty_name() 
                                      << std::endl;

template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
inline data_type& Matrix<R,C,data_type>::operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) noexcept {

   assert( row <= R && col <= C);
   return data[ (row-1)*C + (col-1) ];


template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
inline const data_type Matrix<R,C,data_type>::operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) const noexcept {

   static_assert( row <= R && col <= C, "Error occurred in operator(i,j) index out of bounds");
   return data[ (row-1)*C  + (col-1) ];


template <std::size_t R, std::size_t C, typename data_type>
inline Matrix<R,C,data_type>& Matrix<R,C,data_type>::operator=(const Matrix& rhs) noexcept {
      std::cout << "Copy Assignament operator " << std::endl;
      if( this == &rhs ){
           std::cerr << "Self assignament occurred in assignament operator! " << std::endl;  
         this->data.resize( rhs.data.size() );
         this->data = rhs.data ;

template <std::size_t N, std::size_t M, typename data_type>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, const Matrix<N,M,data_type>& rhs){

         return output;

template <std::size_t N, std::size_t M, typename data_type>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, Matrix<N,M,data_type>& rhs){

         return output;


# include "Matrix.H"
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){

  Matrix<3,3,double> M1(1.11);
  Matrix<3,3,double> M2(1.121,2.323,3.545,4.544,5.737,6.990,7.09,8.12,9.09);

  cout << M2(1,1) << ' ' << M2(1,2) << ' ' << M2(1,3) << endl;
  cout << M2(2,1) << ' ' << M2(2,2) << ' ' << M2(2,3) << endl;
  cout << M2(3,1) << ' ' << M2(3,2) << ' ' << M2(3,3) << endl;



  cout << M2 << endl;    


  Matrix<3,3,double> M3;

  Matrix<3,3,double> M4;

  M3 = M2 ;
 return 0;    


如果我尝试调用Matrix<3,3,double> M4(M2);我得到了这个:

g++ mainMatrix.cpp 
In file included from mainMatrix.cpp:2:0:
Matrix.H:189:87: error: no ‘data_type& Matrix<N, M, data_type>::operator()(std::size_t, std::size_t)’ member function declared in class ‘Matrix<N, M, data_type>’
 inline data_type& Matrix<R,C,data_type>::operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) noexcept {
Matrix.H:199:98: error: no ‘const data_type Matrix<N, M, data_type>::operator()(std::size_t, std::size_t) const’ member function declared in class ‘Matrix<N, M, data_type>’
 const data_type Matrix<R,C,data_type>::operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) const noexcept {


in the sense that when I try to construct a Matrix object as Matrix<3,3,double> M4(M3);


Matrix<3,3,double> M4;

这不是对复制构造函数的调用,而是对 M4 的(未定义)运算符 () 的调用,因此会出现错误。

关于c++ - 矩阵模板类复制构造函数不起作用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46926742/


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