c++ - 在这种情况下,运算符 [ ] 重载如何工作?

标签 c++ overloading


class Vec3f
    float x, y, z;

inline float operator[](const int index) const
    return (&x)[index];

inline float& operator[](const int index)
     return (&x)[index];

该类使用 [] 来访问数组中的 x、y、z 值,以便 v[0]是x中的值,v[1]是y中的值,v[2]是z中的值,但是

  • 返回声明如何运作?
  • 这样理解是否正确:“获取从x的地址开始的索引指定的地址中的值”?
  • Do (&x) 必须在括号中,否则会返回 x[index] 的地址值,不是吗?




// Declare four variables
// That are presumably placed in memory one after the other.
float x, y, z;


return (&x)[index];

// Here we take the address of x (thus we have a pointer to float).
// The operator [] when applied to fundamental types is equivalent to 
// *(pointer + index)

// So the above code is
return *(&x + index);
// This takes the address of x. Moves index floating point numbers further
// into the address space (which is illegal).
// Then returns a `lvalue referring to the object at that location`
// If this aligns with x/y/z (it is possible but not guaranteed by the standard)
// we have an `lvalue` referring to one of these objects.


class Vec3f
    float data[3];
    float& x;
    float& y;
    float& z;

        float& operator[](const int index) {return data[index];}

            : x(data[0])
            , y(data[1])
            , z(data[2])
        Vec3f(Vec3f const& copy)
            : x(data[0])
            , y(data[1])
            , z(data[2])
            x = copy.x;
            y = copy.y;
            z = copy.z;
        Vec3f& operator=(Vec3f const& rhs)
            x = rhs.x;
            y = rhs.y;
            z = rhs.z;
            return *this;

关于c++ - 在这种情况下,运算符 [ ] 重载如何工作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18310301/


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