c++ - 关于 C++ 中 union 使用的内存效率

标签 c++ pointers memory unions

考虑下面的三个代码块,这是字符串/union 冲突的三种替代解决方案。

在这些选项中,一般来说,以这种方式使用 union 的内存效率更高?

我正在寻找解决原则的答案:也就是说, union 的主要目的是节省内存。

编辑:类作业迫使我以这种方式使用 union 。它让我思考哪一个是最有效的,这就是我到达这里的原因。


// unions with pointers to structs
struct HourlyInfo {
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string title;
    int hoursWorked;
    double hourlyRate;

struct SalaryInfo {
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string title;
    double salary;
    double bonus;

struct Employee {
    bool isHourly;
    union {
        HourlyInfo *hourlyEmployee;
        SalaryInfo *salaryEmployee;



// applying unions to relevant and non-string data types
struct Employee {
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string title;
    bool isHourly;
    union {
        struct {
            double hourlyRate;
            int hoursWorked;
        } hourly;
        struct {
            double salary;
            double bonus;
        } salaried;


// use cstring instead of string
struct HourlyInfo {
    cstring firstName[50];
    cstring lastName[50];
    string title[50];
    int hoursWorked;
    double hourlyRate;

struct SalaryInfo {
    cstring firstName[50];
    cstring lastName[50];
    cstring title[50];
    double salary;
    double bonus;

struct Employee {
    bool isHourly;
    union {
        HourlyInfo hourlyEmployee;
        SalaryInfo salaryEmployee;

(注意:代码背后的想法是,任何员工要么是小时工,要么是工资,因此这里有 union 。请不要针对这个问题提出不涉及 union 的替代解决方案。我不担心解决具体问题,我对 union 感兴趣。)


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规则 #1:遵循您的分析器(它会告诉您哪一个对您的程序更有效)


规则 #3:设计数据类型以清晰表达意图/目的(从这个意义上说,只有 B 是一个选项)。当然,除非规则 #1 需要再次采取(这很不寻常)

我知道我“不允许”提出替代方案:( Live on Coliru )

#include <string>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>

struct HourlyInfo {
    int    hoursWorked;
    double hourlyRate;

struct SalaryInfo {
    double salary;
    double bonus;

namespace detail {

    template <template <typename...> class Allocator = std::allocator>
    struct basic_employee {
        using string = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Allocator<char>>;
        string firstName;
        string lastName;
        string title;

        using RateInfo = boost::variant<HourlyInfo, SalaryInfo>;
        RateInfo rates;

using Employee = detail::basic_employee<>; // or use a custom (pool?) allocator

int main()
    Employee staff1 = { 
        "John", "Cage", "From accounting", 
        SalaryInfo { 1900.00, 120.0 } 
    Employee contractor = { 
        "Joe", "Duffy", "Plumbing jobs", 
        HourlyInfo { 3, 46.00 } 

关于c++ - 关于 C++ 中 union 使用的内存效率,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19611235/


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