c++ - 标准 (C++) 对编译时初始化有何规定?

标签 c++ initialization standards

换句话来说,什么时候“static const”相当于“#define”? 我搜索了很多,但找不到任何东西。 这与全局初始化依赖关系非常相关(我知道,全局变量是邪恶的,但生活也是邪恶的!)。



static const int a = 2;  // Always seen it as compile time
static const int b = 2 * a;  // Compile time
static const float c = 3.14;  // Compile time
static const float d = c * 1.1 ;  // I know the evils of compile time here, but I've seen it both ways (compile and run time)
static const char e = 'p' ;  // Compile time
static const int *f = NULL;  // Never really tried it :)


这是由 C++11 3.6.2 指定的:执行常量初始化...

if an object with static or thread storage duration is not initialized by a constructor call and if every full-expression that appears in its initializer is a constant expression.


Static initialization shall be performed before any dynamic initialization takes place.


变量d不满足这些条件,因为它的初始值设定项不是常量表达式(因为c不是常量表达式)。该标准允许动态或静态初始化 d

关于c++ - 标准 (C++) 对编译时初始化有何规定?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22414406/


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