c++ - makefile - 依赖的依赖

标签 c++ makefile

根据我在互联网上阅读的内容,您可以说:A 依赖于 BB 依赖于 C -> A 依赖于C

因此,如果我们有一个如下所示的 makefile:



SOURCES=$(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJECTS=$(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(SOURCES))

    $(CC) -o $(OUTPUT) $(OBJECTS)

main.o: main.cpp a.hpp
    $(CC) -c main.cpp

a.hpp: b.hpp

我希望 main.o 依赖于 b.hpp,因此如果 b.hpp 之后被改变,我应该编译>main.o 是最后编译的。但这并没有发生。

我是不是完全误解了它根本不像我描述的那样工作?如果是这样,main.o 的目标应该是什么样的?我是否必须检查文件包含的所有 header 并使其依赖于所有这些 header ?

正如 Sam Miller 所说,即使 b.hpp 已更改,a.hpp 的时间戳也不会更改,因为没有更新 a.hpp< 的命令。 Sam Miller 建议使用 touch 命令。但由于我在 Windows 上找不到简单的等效程序,所以我编写了一个名为 WinTouch 的小程序。效果很好,谢谢大家。

Chnossos 向我展示了在 makefile 方面我还有很多东西要学。我尝试了他提出的示例 makefile,它运行良好,似乎它会让我以后的生活更轻松。


Have I entirely misunderstood and it doesn't work the way I've described at all?

你几乎完全明白了,@Sam Miller 的 answer解释你的尝试中遗漏了什么。您需要告诉 make a.hpp 也已更改。


Do I have to go through all headers a file includes and also make it dependent off of all of those?

现在 GCC 或 clang 都可以自动为您处理:


EXE := app.exe

SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJ := $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
DEP := $(OBJ:.o=.d)

CPPFLAGS += -MMD -MP # built-in variable meant for preprocessor flags, like -I

$(EXE): $(OBJ)
# Linker phase
# LDFLAGS is a built-in variable meant for linker flags such as -L
# LDLIBS is a built-in variable meant for linker flags such as -l
# Their order in the next line IS IMPORTANT to avoid undefined references
    $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Makefile include command, litteraly copy and paste its arguments' content into
# the makefile. The dash in the beginning prevent outputting an error if a file
# cannot be found.
-include $(DEP)

这就是您所需要的。现在,对于文件夹中给定的 .cpp 文件,您将有一个相应的 .o 文件和一个 .d 文件为您跟踪 header 依赖项。 如果您想将这些额外的文件隐藏在文件夹中,方法如下:

EXE := app.exe

SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
DIR := build
OBJ := $(SRC:%.cpp=$(DIR)/%.o) # toto.cpp => build/toto.o
DEP := $(OBJ:.o=.d) # build/toto.o => build/toto.d

CPPFLAGS += -MMD -MP # built-in variable meant for preprocessor flags, like -I

$(EXE): $(OBJ)
# Linker phase
# LDFLAGS is a built-in variable meant for linker flags such as -L
# LDLIBS is a built-in variable meant for linker flags such as -l
# Their order in the next line IS IMPORTANT to avoid undefined references
    $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# We need to override the implicit rule for .o files since we want a special
# destination. The right side of the pipe will only be evaluated once, it is
# called "order-only prerequisite".
$(DIR)/%.o: %.cpp | $(DIR)
    $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

    @mkdir -p $@

# Makefile include command, litteraly copy and paste its arguments' content into
# the makefile. The dash in the beginning prevent outputting an error if a file
# cannot be found.
-include $(DEP)


关于c++ - makefile - 依赖的依赖,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25098380/


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