c++ - 离开范围时析构函数调用的顺序? (C++)

标签 c++ scope destructor


class Parent{

Parent(){cout<<"parent c called \n";}
~Parent(){cout<< "parent d called \n";}

class Child: public parent{

Child(){cout<< "child c called \n";}
~Child(){cout<<"child d called\n";}


int main(){

Parent Man;
Child Boy;

return 0;


parent c called
parent c called
child c called
... //Now what?


parent c called           |         parent c called      
parent c called           |         parent c called
child c called            |         child c called
child d called            |         parent d called
parent d called           |         child d called
parent d called           |         parent d called

如果 Boy 首先被摧毁,则适用左侧情况,如果 Man 首先被摧毁,则适用右侧情况。计算机如何决定先删除哪一个?


派生析构函数在祖先析构函数之前被调用。所以 Child 析构函数体将首先被调用,然后是 Parent 析构函数体。并且构造的对象以相反的顺序销毁,因此 Boy 对象将在 Man 对象被销毁之前被销毁。

关于c++ - 离开范围时析构函数调用的顺序? (C++),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27496895/


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