c++ - 使用委托(delegate)构造函数重新初始化

标签 c++ delegating-constructor


class X{
    X() = default; 
    X(int ival, int jval) : i{ ival }, j{ jval } {} 
    X(int new_i) : i{ new_i }, X(i, 0) {}    //error here

    int i; 
    int j; 

int main()
    X x{ 345, 54 };

    x = X{ 34 };  //annoymous copy changes only the i:member
    return 0; 

编辑:我知道 X(int new_int) : X{new_int, 0} 会起作用,但我想知道如果在列表中再初始化一个变量会出现什么错误。

也许我有另一个 z,我想将其与 ij 一起初始化。

X(int new_i) :z{ new_i }, X(new_i, 0) {}



X(int new_i) :  X(new_i, 0) {}

来自 C++ 标准草案 N3337(强调我的):

12.6.2 Initializing bases and members

6 A mem-initializer-list can delegate to another constructor of the constructor’s class using any class-or-decltype that denotes the constructor’s class itself. If a mem-initializer-id designates the constructor’s class, it shall be the only mem-initializer;

关于c++ - 使用委托(delegate)构造函数重新初始化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28772610/


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