c++ - 从 GetQueuedCompletionStatus 解除阻止

标签 c++ c multithreading winsock2 resource-cleanup

在程序终止期间,如何取消阻止先前通过调用 GetQueuedCompletionStatus() 被阻止的线程?


您可以使用 PostQueuedCompletionStatus API 调用将终止消息发布到 IO 完成端口,或者使用 CloseHandle 简单地关闭 IOCP 句柄。

If a call to GetQueuedCompletionStatus fails because the completion port handle associated with it is closed while the call is outstanding, the function returns FALSE, *lpOverlapped will be NULL, and GetLastError will return ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0.

关于c++ - 从 GetQueuedCompletionStatus 解除阻止,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38559905/


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