c++ - 二进制表达式的无效操作数

标签 c++ data-structures vector


Invalid operands to binary expression ("basic_ostream<char,std::_1::char_traits<char>>' and 'value_type' (aka 'qElem')) which occurs at:

cout << "Your first task is to: " << tasks.front() << endl;

代码建议我放置一个 &&tasks.front()但我不想收到 0xfdlkajd 的值,我希望第一个值存储在我的 vector 中。任何帮助将不胜感激。


#ifndef Queue_queue_h
#define Queue_queue_h

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct qElem { //qElem Struct

    string s;
    string p;
    qElem(string task, string priority) : s(task), p(priority) {}


//Establishing my Template and PriQueue Class
template <class T> //Template
class PriQueue

    vector<qElem> tasks;

    void enqueue(T str, int pri); //Adds to queue
    void dequeue(); //Deletes from queue
    void peek(); //Prints the first value in queue
    void size(); //Prints how many in queue
    void sort(vector<qElem*> &tasks); //Sort according to priority


    int count = 0;


template <class T1>
void PriQueue<T1>::enqueue(T1 str, int pri) //Adding an element to the queue

    tasks.push_back(qElem(str, pri));

    sort(tasks); //NEW ERROR IS HERE



template <class T1>
void PriQueue<T1>::dequeue() //Removing an element from the front of the queue

    if (tasks.empty()) {
        cout << "You have no tasks!" << endl;

    else {




template <class T1>
void PriQueue<T1>::peek() //Returning a value at front of the queue (NOT removing it)
    if (tasks.empty()) {
        cout << "You have no tasks!" << endl;

else {
        cout << "Your first task is to: " << tasks.front().s << endl;


//Testing Purposes only
 cout << "Your tasks are:";
 for (typename vector<T1>::iterator i = tasks.begin() ; i != tasks.end(); ++i)
 cout << " " << *i << ",";
 cout << endl;


template <class T1>
void PriQueue<T1>::size() //Returning the number of items in the queue.
    cout << "You have " << count << " tasks in queue." << endl;


template <class T>
void PriQueue<T>::sort(vector<qElem*> &tasks) {
bool sortUp = true;
for(int i = 0; i < tasks.size();i++)
    for(int j = i+1; j < tasks.size(); j++)
            if(tasks[i] > tasks[j])
        else if(tasks[i] < tasks[j]) //else sortDown



编译器不知道如何打印出 qElem .如果只想打印任务,请使用 cout << "..." << tasks.front().s << endl; .编译器知道如何打印 std::string . (您也可以为 operator << 实现自己的 qElem 重载,但在这种情况下,这可能有点矫枉过正。)

请注意,您的代码有很多问题。为什么要使用模板 PriQueue当你的 qElem仅商店 std::string秒?为什么要使用类成员( sspp )在构造函数中存储临时值?你的优先级是 int (构造函数)或 std::string ( qElem ) 或 T

关于c++ - 二进制表达式的无效操作数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23839780/


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