c++ - 从字符串中随机选择特定子序列

标签 c++ string random

给定一个包含多个散布破折号的字符的字符串,例如 string s = "A--TG-DF----GR--"; ,我希望随机选择一个破折号 block (大小可以为 1、2、...、字符串中连续破折号的最大数量),并将它们复制到随机选择的字符串的另一部分。

例如,A--TG-DF(---)-GR--移至 A--T(---)G-DF-GR--尽管 另一次迭代可能会给出 A--TG-DF----GR(--)移至 A--TG-(--)DF----GR .

我通过 int i = rand() % (int) s.length(); 生成字符串的随机索引。插入通过 s.insert(rand() % (int) s.length(), substr); 进行,其中substr是破折号 block 。

我的主要问题在于随机找到一组连续的破折号。我想到使用 s.find("-") ,但这只会返回单个破折号的第一个实例,而不是破折号集合的随机位置。


我知道这个问题可能源于 XY problems ,但我发现它仍然是一个很好的挑战,因此我考虑使用 Boost Interval Container 库来实现它。


我冒昧地概括了它,以便它能够同时移动多个破折号 block (统一随机选择)。

解决方案运行 Live On Coliru 并在大约 2673 毫秒(我的机器上为 1156 毫秒)内生成给定样本的 1,000,000 次随机转置,其中移动 block 的数量随机变化 (1..3):

Generator gen(test_case);

std::string result;
std::map<std::string, size_t> histo;

for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
    auto const mobility = gen.gen_relocations(1 + gen.random(3)); // move n blocks of dashes

    gen.apply_relocations(mobility, std::back_inserter(result));


Note: the benchmark times include the time taken to build the histogram of unique results generated


  1. 我尝试使用“可读”类型:

    namespace icl = boost::icl;
    using Position = size_t;
    using Map      = icl::interval_set<Position>;
    using Region   = Map::value_type;


    template <typename It> Map region_map(It f, It l) {
        Map dashes;
        for (Position pos = 0; f!=l; ++f, ++pos)
            if ('-' == *f)
                dashes += pos;
        return dashes;

    Note how I didn't particularly optimize this. I let the interval_set combine adjacent dashes. We might use hinted insertion, or a parser that add consecutive dashes as a block. I opted for KISS here.

  2. 稍后,我们生成重定位,将 Region 映射到文本其余部分中不移动的 Position

    using Relocs   = boost::container::flat_multimap<Position, Region>;

    通过使用平面多重映射,调用者可以将条目按升序插入点排序。因为我们使用了 reserve()-ed 的预先平面多重映射,所以我们避免了这里基于节点的映射实现的开销。

  3. 我们首先选择要移动的仪表板:

    Map pick_dashes(int n) {
        Map map;
        if (!_dashes.empty())
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                map += *std::next(_dashes.begin(), _select(_rng));
        return map;


      _dashes(region_map(_input.begin(), _input.end())),
      _rng(std::random_device {}()),
      _select (0, _dashes.iterative_size() - 1),
      _randpos(0, _input.size() - 1),
  4. 接下来,我们为每个分配插入位置。诀窍是在源的非移动(惰性)区域内分配位置。

    • 这包括留在其位置的其他破折号 block
    • 存在一种退化情况,即所有内容都是破折号 block ,我们在构造函数中检测到了这一点:

        _is_degenerate(cardinality(_dashes) == _input.size())


    Relocs gen_relocations(int n=1) {
        Map const moving = pick_dashes(n);
        Relocs relocs;
        if (_is_degenerate)
            // degenerate case (everything is a dash); no non-moving positions
            // exist, just pick 0
            for(auto& region : moving)
                relocs.emplace(0, region);
        } else {
            auto inertia = [&] {
                Position inert_point;
                while (contains(moving, inert_point = _randpos(_rng)))
                    ; // discard insertion points that are moving
                return inert_point;
            for(auto& region : moving)
                relocs.emplace(inertia(), region);
        return relocs;


  5. 这个的通用实现非常简单。同样,为了保持简单,它没有特别优化(KISS):

    template <typename F>
        void do_apply_relocations(Relocs const& mobility, F const& apply) const {
            icl::split_interval_set<Position> steps {{0, _input.size()}};
            for (auto& m : mobility) {
                steps += m.first; // force a split on insertion point
                steps -= m.second; // remove the source of the move
                //std::cout << m.second << " moving to #" << m.first << ": " << steps << "\n";
            auto next_mover = mobility.begin();
            for(auto& step : steps) {
                while (next_mover!=mobility.end() && contains(step, next_mover->first))
                    apply((next_mover++)->second, true);
                apply(step, false);

    Note The trick here is that we "abuse" the split_interval_set combining strategy to break the processing into sub-ranges that "stop" at the randomly generated insertion points: these artificial regions are the "steps" in our generation loop.

  6. 我们实现的apply函数是为了得到我们想要的东西。在我们的例子中,我们想要一个像 A--TG-DFGR(----)-- 这样的字符串,因此我们编写一个附加到容器的重载(例如 std::string code>) 使用任何输出迭代器:

    template <typename Out>
        Out apply_relocations(Relocs const& mobility, Out out) const {
            if (_is_degenerate)
                return std::copy(_input.begin(), _input.end(), out);
            auto to_iter = [this](Position pos) { return _input.begin() + pos; };
            do_apply_relocations(mobility, [&](Region const& r, bool relocated) {
                if (relocated) *out++ = '(';
                out = std::copy(
                if (relocated) *out++ = ')';
            return out;

    Note The "complicated" part here are mapping the Position to input iterators (to_iter) and the code to optionally add () around moved blocks.



#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/split_interval_set.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/separate_interval_set.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <map>
#include <chrono>

namespace icl = boost::icl;

using Position = size_t;
using Map      = icl::interval_set<Position>;
using Region   = Map::value_type;
using Relocs   = boost::container::flat_multimap<Position, Region>;

struct Generator {
    Generator(std::string const& input) 
        : _input(input),
          _dashes(region_map(_input.begin(), _input.end())),
          _rng(std::random_device {}()),
          _select (0, _dashes.iterative_size() - 1),
          _randpos(0, _input.size() - 1),
          _is_degenerate(cardinality(_dashes) == _input.size())

    unsigned random(unsigned below) {
        return _rng() % below; // q&d, only here to make the tests deterministic for a fixed seed

    Map full() const { 
        return Map { { 0, _input.size() } };

    Relocs gen_relocations(int n=1) {
        Map const moving = pick_dashes(n);

        Relocs relocs;

        if (_is_degenerate)
            // degenerate case (everything is a dash); no non-moving positions
            // exist, just pick 0
            for(auto& region : moving)
                relocs.emplace(0, region);
        } else {
            auto inertia = [&] {
                Position inert_point;
                while (contains(moving, inert_point = _randpos(_rng)))
                    ; // discard insertion points that are moving
                return inert_point;

            for(auto& region : moving)
                relocs.emplace(inertia(), region);

        return relocs;

    template <typename Out>
        Out apply_relocations(Relocs const& mobility, Out out) const {
            if (_is_degenerate)
                return std::copy(_input.begin(), _input.end(), out);

            auto to_iter = [this](Position pos) { return _input.begin() + pos; };

            do_apply_relocations(mobility, [&](Region const& r, bool relocated) {
                if (relocated) *out++ = '(';
                out = std::copy(
                if (relocated) *out++ = ')';

            return out;

    template <typename F>
        void do_apply_relocations(Relocs const& mobility, F const& apply) const {
            icl::split_interval_set<Position> steps {{0, _input.size()}};

            for (auto& m : mobility) {
                steps += m.first; // force a split on insertion point
                steps -= m.second; // remove the source of the move
                //std::cout << m.second << " moving to #" << m.first << ": " << steps << "\n";

            auto next_mover = mobility.begin();

            for(auto& step : steps) {
                while (next_mover!=mobility.end() && contains(step, next_mover->first))
                    apply((next_mover++)->second, true);

                apply(step, false);

    std::string                             _input;
    Map                                     _dashes;
    std::mt19937                            _rng;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<Position> _select;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<Position> _randpos;
    bool                                    _is_degenerate;

    Map pick_dashes(int n) {
        Map map;
        if (!_dashes.empty())
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                map += *std::next(_dashes.begin(), _select(_rng));
        return map;

    template <typename It> Map region_map(It f, It l) {
        Map dashes;

        for (Position pos = 0; f!=l; ++f, ++pos)
            if ('-' == *f)
                dashes += pos;

        return dashes;

int main() {

    for (std::string test_case : {
        auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        Generator gen(test_case);

        std::string result;
        std::map<std::string, size_t> histo;

        for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
            auto const mobility = gen.gen_relocations(1 + gen.random(3)); // move n blocks of dashes

            gen.apply_relocations(mobility, std::back_inserter(result));

        std::cout << histo.size() << " unique results for '" << test_case << "'"
                  << " in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()-start).count() << "ms\n";

        std::multimap<size_t, std::string, std::greater<size_t> > ranked;
        for (auto& entry : histo)
            ranked.emplace(entry.second, entry.first);

        int topN = 10;
        for (auto& rank : ranked)
            std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::right << rank.first << ": " << rank.second << "\n";
            if (0 == --topN)


1 unique results for '----' in 186ms
 1000000: ----
3430 unique results for 'A--TG-DF----GR--' in 1156ms
    9251: A(----)--TG-DFGR--
    9226: (----)A--TG-DFGR--
    9191: A--T(----)G-DFGR--
    9150: A--TG-DFGR-(----)-
    9132: A--(----)TG-DFGR--
    9128: A--TG(----)-DFGR--
    9109: A--TG-D(----)FGR--
    9098: A--TG-DFG(----)R--
    9079: A--TG-DFGR(----)--
    9047: A-(----)-TG-DFGR--
1 unique results for '' in 25ms
1 unique results for 'ATGDFGR' in 77ms
 1000000: ATGDFGR

关于c++ - 从字符串中随机选择特定子序列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28397514/


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