c++ - 重载后增量

标签 c++

假设我们有一个类 myClass 存储一个 int。我想重载标准运算符,例如 +=+=++ 等。我怎样才能重载后缀增量,即operator++(int),以便在计算表达式之后完成实际增量?我的意思是,在执行以下代码之后,

myClass object1(0), object2(1);
object1 = object2++ + object2;

我希望 object1 和 object2 都保留 2。


myClass& operator++(int){
  myClass tmp(x) //x - stored value
  return tmp;

不起作用,因为 +++ 之前调用。




myClass object1(0), object2(1);
object1 = object2++ + object2;

根据 §8.3.6/9,实际上具有未指定的行为:

The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.


operator=(objec1, operator+(operator++(.., object2), object))


object1 = object + object2;


object1 = object2 * 2;

根据 §1.9/15,如果它们是标量类型,这将是未定义的行为:

Except where noted, evaluations of operands of individual operators and of subexpressions of individual expressions are unsequenced. [ Note: In an expression that is evaluated more than once during the execution of a program, unsequenced and indeterminately sequenced evaluations of its subexpressions need not be performed consistently in different evaluations. — end note ] The value computations of the operands of an operator are sequenced before the value computation of the result of the operator. If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either another side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, and they are not potentially concurrent (1.10), the behavior is undefined.

关于c++ - 重载后增量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30539849/


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