c++ - std::exception_ptr 存储的生命周期要求

标签 c++ c++11 exception

给出 cppreference.com 中有关 std::exception_ptr 的示例,按以下方式缩短代码是否合法? 如果所有处理都在 catch block 内完成,则不需要将 std::exception_ptr 存储在外部甚至全局范围内。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
void handle_eptr(std::exception_ptr eptr) // passing by value is ok
    try {
        if (eptr) {
    } catch(const std::exception& e) {
        std::cout << "Caught exception \"" << e.what() << "\"\n";
int main()
    try {
        std::string().at(1); // this generates an std::out_of_range
    } catch(...) {
        handle_eptr(std::current_exception()); // CHANGE: HANDLING THE std::exception_ptr AS R-VALUE INSIDE THE CATCH BLOCK
} // destructor for std::out_of_range called here, when the eptr is destructed



来自 cppreference:

The exception object referenced by an std::exception_ptr remains valid as long as there remains at least one std::exception_ptr that is referencing it: std::exception_ptr is a shared-ownership smart pointer

在这种情况下,eptr 将确保从 std::current_exception 返回的值不会超出范围。如有疑问,请认为 std::exception_ptr 的生命周期遵循与 std::shared_ptr 相同的作用域规则,因为它们都是“共享所有权智能指针”

关于c++ - std::exception_ptr 存储的生命周期要求,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38523864/


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