C++ 静态数组与动态数组类似

标签 c++ arrays static

似乎记得 C++ 中的静态数组只能从 const 表达式初始化,但如果你写:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  int n;
  std::cin >> n;
  int a[n];
  std::cout << sizeof(a);

  return 0;

该程序成功编译(gcc C++17)并打印 n * sizeof(int)。 但为什么会这样呢?


Variable-length arrays不属于标准的一部分。它们可以作为编译器扩展出现,GCC 就是这种情况。编译时您可能会收到以下警告:

warning: ISO C++ forbids variable length array 'a' [-Wvla]


The size of each VLA instance does not change during its lifetime, but on another pass over the same code, it may be allocated with a different size.

标题为 6.19 Arrays of Variable Length 的 GCC 官方文档状态:

These arrays are declared like any other automatic arrays, but with a length that is not a constant expression. The storage is allocated at the point of declaration and deallocated when the block scope containing the declaration exits.

话虽如此,更喜欢 std::vectorstd::array到原始(C 风格)数组。

关于C++ 静态数组与动态数组类似,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47968642/


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