c++ - 模板和内联优化乘法

标签 c++ templates optimization inline-assembly


int Multiply(int x, int m){
    return x * m;}

template<int m>
int MultiplyBy(int x){
    return x * m;}

int a,b;
a = Multiply(10,8);
b = MultiplyBy<8>(10);

In the above example the template function is faster than the simple function because the compiler knows that it can multiply by a power of 2 by using a shift operation. x*8 is replaced by x << , which is faster. In the case of the simple function, the compiler doesnt know the value of m and therefore cannot do the optimization unless the function can be inlined.

据我了解,模板可以优化的原因是因为编译器在编译时知道参数 (8) 的值,而简单函数直到运行时才知道 x(或 m)的值-时间。那么内联简单函数将如何改变这一事实呢?内联不提供参数值的任何运行时知识??


Inlining doesn't provide any run-time knowledge of the argument value??



a = Multiply(10,8);


a = 80;

事实上,当我打开优化时,这正是我的编译器 (gcc 4.7.2) 所做的。

关于c++ - 模板和内联优化乘法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15532209/


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