c++ - 程序检查以查看用户编号是否存储在 C++ 中的数组中

标签 c++ arrays user-defined-functions

我写这段代码是为了检查用户输入的正整数是否存储在程序的数组中,然后将结果显示给用户。我是 C++ 的新手,遇到了一些困难。有人可以帮帮我吗。

#include <iostream> //needed for access to cin and cout

using namespace std;

int main (void)
    int LS (int [], int);

    int ll=10;
    int l[ll]= {30, 2, 13, 9, 25, 17, 89, 32, 73, 69};
    int i=0;
    int it=0;
    int result=0;

    cout << " Welcome User, this program allows you to enter a number"<<endl
         << " and see if it is stored in our database."<<endl;

    cout << " Please enter number :  ";
    cin >> it;

    result = LS (l[ll], it); 

    if (result==0)
        cout << " The number" << it << " you entered was not found in our database. " << endl;

    if (result==1)
        cout << " The number" << it << " you entered has been found in our database. " << endl;

    return 0;

int LS (int l[int ll], int it) //function to search for "it"

    int i=0, f=0; 

    if (l[i]==it)

    if (i==ll)
        return f;


#include <iostream> //needed for access to cin and cout

using namespace std;

int main (void)
int LS (int [], int);
int ll=10;
int l[ll]= {30, 2, 13, 9, 25, 17, 89, 32, 73, 69};
int i=0;
int it=0;
int result=0;

cout << " Welcome User, this program allows you to enter a number"<<endl
  << " and see if it is stored in our database."<<endl;

cout << " Please enter number :  ";
cin >> it;

result = LS (l[ll], it); 
if (result==0){
 cout << " The number" << it << " you entered was not found in our database. " << endl;

if (result==1)
 cout << " The number" << it << " you entered has been found in our database. " << endl;

 return 0;

int LS (int l[int ll], int it) //function to search for "it"{
  int i=0; 
  while (l[i]!=it and i<11){
if (i==ll)
   return 0;
return 1;

此代码有效,因为如果找到一个元素,则 while 循环将中断,因此 i 值将小于 11

关于c++ - 程序检查以查看用户编号是否存储在 C++ 中的数组中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25713529/


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