c# - 使用 C# 将数据插入 SQLite 数据库

标签 c# android database sqlite xamarin

我正在使用 C# 中的 XamarinVisual Studio 中创建一个 SQLite 数据库。

我应该注意,这仅适用于 android

我正在努力做到这一点,以便能够将数据插入 SQLite 数据库,但我不确定如何操作。



    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a single ping group into the SQLite ping database.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pingGroup"></param>
    public void AddUnsynchronizedPing(PingGroup pingGroup)
        // TODO: Add the passed ping group parameter into the SQLite database as new/unsynchronized.
        if (pingGroup != null)
            // Add ping group to the database.
            // Add pings to the database.
            // Maybe one step, maybe done separately.
            // If done separately, must set Ping.PingGroupID to ID of original ping group.


namespace BB.Mobile
/// <summary>
/// A class to provide a single interface for interacting with all SQLite data operations for stored tracking points.
/// </summary>
class DataManager
    private SQLiteConnection db = null;

    public DataManager()
        if (this.db == null)
            string dbPath = Path.Combine(

            db = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath);

    /// <summary>
    /// Will compile and return all matching unsynchronized ping data from the SQLite database.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public List<PingGroup> GetUnsynchronizedPings()
        List<PingGroup> unsynchronizedPings = new List<PingGroup>();

        // TODO: Retrieve all unsynchronized pings from the SQLite database and return them to the caller.
        //var pGroup = db.Get<PingGroup>();
        //var pGroupList = db.List<PingGroup>();

        var pGroups = db.Table<PingGroup>();
        foreach (var pGroup in pGroups)


        return unsynchronizedPings;

    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a single ping group into the SQLite ping database.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pingGroup"></param>
    public void AddUnsynchronizedPing(PingGroup pingGroup)
        // TODO: Add the passed ping group parameter into the SQLite database as new/unsynchronized.
        if (pingGroup != null)
            // Add ping group to the database.
            // Add pings to the database.
            // Maybe one step, maybe done separately.
            // If done separately, must set Ping.PingGroupID to ID of original ping group.

    /// <summary>
    /// Mark all open and unsynchronized pings in the database as synchronized.
    /// </summary>
    public void SetAllPingsSynchronized()



要将对象插入到 sqlite 数据库中,您可以使用类似的东西:

void InsertPing(Ping p)

void InsertGroupOfPings(IEnumerable<Ping> pings)


List<Ping> GetPings()
// I assume here that Ping object has property named Synchronized
    return db.Query<Ping>("select * from Ping where Synchronized = 0");

SQLite 库根据您的类定义创建其表,因此您可以将类的属性视为表中的列。

关于c# - 使用 C# 将数据插入 SQLite 数据库,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29575156/


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