sql - 查询当前表时,Postgresql 插入触发器变慢

标签 sql database postgresql plpgsql

在表中插入批号时,我们会计算基数存在的次数,并根据该计数在新编号的末尾添加 -##。

我已经去掉了大部分逻辑(我们也检查其他内容)。我也知道这里会跳过 -1 的逻辑缺陷。

-- Function: stone._lsuniqueid()

-- DROP FUNCTION stone._lsuniqueid();

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stone._lsuniqueid()
  RETURNS trigger AS
 _count INTEGER;

  -- Obtain the number of occurences of this new ls_number
  SELECT COUNT(ls_number) into _count
  FROM ls
  WHERE ls_number LIKE CAST(NEW.ls_number || '%' AS text);

  -- Allow new ls_numbers to be entered as is, otherwise add "-#{count + 1}"
  -- to the end of the ls_number
  if _count > 0 THEN
    NEW.ls_number = NEW.ls_number || '-' || CAST(_count + 1 AS text);
  END IF;      


INSERT INTO ls VALUES (NEXTVAL('ls_ls_id_seq'),7285,UPPER('20151012'));
--> Query returned successfully: one row affected, 391 ms execution time.


SELECT COUNT(ls_number)
WHERE ls_number LIKE CAST('20151012' || '%' AS text);
--> 19ms


SELECT COUNT(lsdetail_id)
FROM lsdetail
WHERE lsdetail_id > 2433308
--> 20ms

运行相同的插入并针对不同的表运行计数返回结果快 20 倍。

INSERT INTO ls VALUES (NEXTVAL('ls_ls_id_seq'),7285,UPPER('20151012'));
 --> Query returned successfully: one row affected, 20 ms execution time.

ls 表有大约 250 万行





在这里找到答案: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/27705.1150381444@sss.pgh.pa.us


"Mindaugas" writes:

Is it possible to somehow analyze function performance? E.g. we are using function cleanup() which takes obviously too much time to execute but I have problems trying to figure what is slowing things down.

When I explain analyze function lines step by step it show quite acceptable performance.


Are you sure you are "explain analyze"ing the same queries the function is really doing? You have to account for the fact that what plpgsql is issuing is parameterized queries, and sometimes that limits the planner's ability to pick a good plan. For instance, if you have

declare x int;
    for r in select * from foo where key = x loop ...

then what is really getting planned and executed is "select * from foo where key = $1" --- every plpgsql variable gets replaced by a parameter symbol "$n". You can model this for EXPLAIN purposes with a prepared statement:

prepare p1(int) as select * from foo where key = $1;
explain analyze execute p1(42);

If you find out that a particular query really sucks when parameterized, you can work around this by using EXECUTE to force the query to be planned afresh on each use with literal constants instead of parameters:

然后我调查了这个: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/plpgsql-statements.html#PLPGSQL-STATEMENTS-EXECUTING-DYN

39.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands

Oftentimes you will want to generate dynamic commands inside your PL/pgSQL functions, that is, commands that will involve different tables or different data types each time they are executed. PL/pgSQL's normal attempts to cache plans for commands (as discussed in Section 39.10.2) will not work in such scenarios. To handle this sort of problem, the EXECUTE statement is provided:

EXECUTE 'SELECT count(*) FROM mytable WHERE inserted_by = $1 AND inserted <= $2'
USING checked_user, checked_date;



 EXECUTE 'SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(ls_number), 0) FROM ls WHERE ls_number LIKE $1 || ''%'';'
 INTO _count
 USING NEW.ls_number;

关于sql - 查询当前表时,Postgresql 插入触发器变慢,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33092618/


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