php - 如何使 php 代码连接到具有两个不同主机的两个不同数据库?

标签 php mysql database


我正在为一个游戏创建一个注册页面,该游戏有两个具有不同 ip/host 和不同数据库的服务器,另一个在欧洲托管,另一个在美国托管,我正在计划我的注册页面是当用户成功填写表格并单击“注册”按钮时,用户输入的信息将发送到两个不同的数据库,我搜索与我的问题相关的主题,并按照说明进行修复,但是它没有做任何好事。因此,如果您在这里询问我的代码,那就是。



    class Database{ 
       private static $instance = null;
       private $stmt = null;
       private $host = '';
       private $dbname = '';
       private $username = '';
       private $password = '';

        public function __construct(){
            $dns = "mysql:dbname=".$this->dbname.";host:".$this->host;
            $username= $this->username;
            $password= $this->password;
            $db = null;

            $this->db = new PDO($dns,$username,$password);

        public static function getInstance(){
            if(self::$instance == null){
                    self::$instance = new Database();
                }catch(PDOException $e){
                    echo $e->getCode();

            return self::$instance;

        public function query($stmt){
            $this->stmt = $this->db->prepare($stmt);

       //get sql statement
       public function getStmt(){
          return $this->stmt;

        public function bind($index, $value, $type = null){

            if (is_null($type)) {
                switch (true) {
                    case is_int($value):
                        $type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
                    case is_bool($value):
                        $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
                    case is_null($value):
                        $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
                        $type = PDO::PARAM_STR;

            $this->stmt->bindValue($index, $value, $type);

        public function execute(){
            return $this->stmt->execute();

        public function resultset(){
            return $this->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        public function single()
            return $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        public function __destruct(){
            $this->db = null;

如果我没有添加数据库信息,只是为了安全起见,我很抱歉:),所以我想我需要做的就是在 Database.php 上添加一些东西,但我真的不知道是什么.



   include_once 'Input.php';
   include_once 'Database.php';
   include_once 'Helper.php';

   $db = Database::getInstance();
   $username = '';
   $password = '';
   $email = '';
   $country = '';
   $city = '';
   $question = '';
   $answer = '';
   $ip = Helper::get_ip_address();
   $valid = true;
   $msg = '';

   if (Input::hasPost()) {
      if (Input::post('username') === null) { 
         $msg = 'Please put your username.';
         $valid = false;
         $username = Input::post('username');
      } else if (Input::post('password') === null || Input::post('con_password') === null ) {
         $msg = 'Input password properly!';
         $valid = false;
      } else if (Input::post('password') !== Input::post('con_password')) {
         $msg = 'Password and confirm password must be the same.';
         $valid = false;
      } else   if (Input::post('country') === 'select') {
         $msg = 'Select a country.';
         $valid = false;
      } else if (Input::post('email') === null) {
         $msg = 'Put your email.';
         $valid = false;
      } else if (!filter_var(Input::post('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $msg = 'Invalid email.';
         $valid = false;
      } else if (Input::post('question') === 'select') {
         $msg = 'Select a question.';
         $valid = false;
      } else   if (Input::post('answer') === null) {
         $msg = 'Put your answer.';
         $valid = false;

      if ($valid) {
         $db = Database::getInstance();
         $username = Input::post('username');
         $password = Input::post('con_password');
         $email = Input::post('email');
         $country = Input::post('country');
         $question = Input::post('question');
         $answer = Input::post('answer');

         //banned account
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE IP = :ip AND State = 1";
         $db->bind(':ip', $ip);
         $banned = $db->single();

         // > 1 account
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE IP = :ip";
         $db->bind(':ip', $ip);
         $anotherAccount = $db->resultset();

         //already exist name
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Username = :username";
         $db->bind(':username', $username);
         $existAccount = $db->single();

         if ($existAccount && (count($existAccount) > 0)) {
            $msg = 'The Username is already exist.';
            $valid = false;
         } else if ($banned && (count($banned) > 0)) {
            $msg = 'Sorry you cannot register because your banned!';
            $valid = false;
         } else if ($anotherAccount && (count($anotherAccount) > 5)) {
            $msg= 'Sorry you cannot register because you made to many accounts.';
            $valid = false;
         } else {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO accounts (`Username`, `Password`, `IP`, `Email`, `Question`, `answer`, `Country`)
                  VALUES (:username, :password, :ip, :email, :question, :answer, :country)";


            $db->bind(':username', $username);
            $db->bind(':password', $password);
            $db->bind(':ip', $ip);
            $db->bind(':email', $email);
            $db->bind(':question', $question);
            $db->bind(':answer', $answer);
            $db->bind(':country', $country);

            if ($db->execute()) {
               $msg = "The user has been succesfully added into the database! You can now log into the community and in-game!";
               $msg .= " Thank you for registering for West Gaming!<br>";
               $msg .= "<span class='management'>- West Gaming Staff</span>";
               $valid = true;
            } else {
               $msg = 'There is a problem in our system <br>';
               $msg .= 'Please register again with the same data.';
               $valid = false;



只需创建 2 个 Database 类实例。

摆脱,公共(public)静态函数 getInstance(){} 不要这样做:

$db = Database::getInstance();


$db1 = new Database();
$db2 = new Database();

Database 构造器编辑成类似的东西

public function __construct($dns, $username, $password){
    $this->db = new PDO($dns,$username,$password);

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