c# - Entity Framework 6 如何决定是否应使用 ON DELETE CASCADE 定义 FK

标签 c# sql .net database entity-framework-6



Class A
    // PK
    public string A_Id

    // Navigation Property
    public virtual ICollection<B> MyB{ get; set; }

Class B
    // PK
    public int B_Id

    // FK - On Delete - NO ACTION     <---------- Difference here
    public string A_Id { get; set; }

    // Navigation Properties
    public virtual A MyA { get; set; }
    public List<C> MyC{ get; set; }

Class C
    // PK
    public int C_Id

    // FK - On Delete - CASCADE     <---------- Difference here
    public int B_Id { get; set; }

    // Navigation Properties
    public virtual B MyB { get; set; }

当我在 SQL Management Studio 中检查 FK 时,我看到 On delete cascade 是在 Class C's FK 上定义的,但不是在 Class B's FK 上定义的强>.

另外,当我尝试删除 A 的一个实例时,我得到了不同的运行时异常,因为有些行引用了该实例。

Why is this happening?

What should I do to define them both to On Delete Cascade?

How EF6 determines how to define the FKs??

我已经阅读了很多没有成功的 SO 答案。

我还尝试使用 Fluent API 定义 FK,但它只是创建了第二个 FK 而不是修改第一个。 =[



Entity Framework 默认行为是“On Delete Cascade”

但它只能在列为 Non-Nullable 时定义“ON DELETE CASCADE”。

因此,如果我们回到示例,我们可以看到 A 类有一个 string PK(nullable),B 类有一个 int PK(不可空)。这就解释了差异。


The best solution is to set a [Required] attribute above the FK property, otherwise, the EF6 engine will treat that property as nullable and define On Delete -> No Action!


Class A
    // PK
    public string A_Id

    // Navigation Property
    public virtual ICollection<B> MyB{ get; set; }

Class B
    // PK
    public int B_Id

    // FK - On Delete - NO ACTION     <---------- Difference here
    [Required]          <------------------------ SOLUTION =] =] =]
    public string A_Id { get; set; }

    // Navigation Properties
    public virtual A MyA { get; set; }
    public List<C> MyC{ get; set; }

Class C
    // PK
    public int C_Id

    // FK - On Delete - CASCADE     <---------- Difference here
    public int B_Id { get; set; }

    // Navigation Properties
    public virtual B MyB { get; set; }

关于c# - Entity Framework 6 如何决定是否应使用 ON DELETE CASCADE 定义 FK,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51239910/


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