c - Valgrind 不显示行号

标签 c linux ubuntu valgrind

我正在尝试找出我使用 Valgrind 对一段内存进行了无效写入的位置。它告诉有这样一个问题,也在什么函数中,但不是在什么行中。虽然函数很小,但我希望在 Valgrind 中显示行号。我在 Valgrind 的一些输出中看到了这一点,但目前它们没有显示,我想知道为什么。


niklas@emerald:~/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes ./spyr
==4404== Invalid write of size 4
==4404==    at 0x8048849: sp_ParticleBuffer_init (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048BFC: sp_ParticleSystem_createParticle (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048691: main (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==  Address 0x422a0a0 is 4 bytes after a block of size 4 alloc'd
==4404==    at 0x402BE68: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)
==4404==    by 0x8048BC1: sp_ParticleSystem_createParticle (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048691: main (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404== Invalid write of size 4
==4404==    at 0x8048865: sp_ParticleBuffer_init (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048BFC: sp_ParticleSystem_createParticle (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048691: main (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==  Address 0x422a09c is 0 bytes after a block of size 4 alloc'd
==4404==    at 0x402BE68: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)
==4404==    by 0x8048BC1: sp_ParticleSystem_createParticle (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)
==4404==    by 0x8048691: main (in /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr)

我看到输出中行号显示在文件名后面的双冒号之后。 IE。 /home/niklas/Arbeitsfläche/spyr/bin/Debug/spyr:23 或类似的。


仅供引用,这是 sp_ParticleBuffer_init 函数。

int sp_ParticleBuffer_init(sp_ParticleBuffer* buffer, sp_Uint32 buffer_size, int init_zero) {
    size_t size   = sizeof(sp_Particle) * buffer_size;
    buffer->next  = null;
    buffer->array = (sp_Particle*) malloc(size);
    buffer->alive_count = 0;

    if (!buffer->array) return SPYR_ALLOCFAILED;
    if (init_zero) memset((void*) buffer->array, 0, size);
    return SPYR_NOERR;


您需要在二进制文件中包含调试信息。如果您使用 gcc,请传递 -g 标志。

关于c - Valgrind 不显示行号,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12130246/


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