database - Kohana 3.2 将 session 保存在数据库中

标签 database session kohana

请帮我理解,为什么 session 不写入数据库?

session 配置

'database'      => array(
    'name'      => 'session_database',
    'encrypted' => TRUE,
    'lifetime'  => 43200,
    'group'     => 'default',
    'table'     => 'sessions',
    'columns'   => array(
        'session_id'    => 'session_id',
        'last_active'   => 'last_active',
        'contents'      => 'contents'
    'gc' => 500,


Session::$default = 'database';    
$this->session = Session::instance();    
$this->session->set('test', 'test');

然后我重新加载页面,但在数据库的表 sessions 中没有看到新行


如果您使用加密,则需要确保已在 encrypt.php 配置文件中设置加密 key 。

'database'      => array(
    'name'      => 'session_database',
    'encrypted' => TRUE,               /* using encryption requires a key */


<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');

return array(

   'default' => array(
             * The following options must be set:
             * string   key     secret passphrase
             * integer  mode    encryption mode, one of MCRYPT_MODE_*
             * integer  cipher  encryption cipher, one of the Mcrpyt cipher constants
            'cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
            'mode'   => MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,
            'key'    => 'my_encryption_key'


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