php - 如何将两个 PDO 语句组合起来插入数据库?

标签 php database arrays pdo

我希望将一个 pdo 语句的输出与另一语句的数组数据一起使用。目前,两组语句单独工作都很好,但我不知道如何将输出合并到数据库上的一个表中。

我尝试更新的数据库表有 3 列:recipe_iditem_numberquantity

我需要的是 $recipeID 用作主要 recipe_id 以及数组的输出来填充其他两列。希望我说得有道理并且有人可以提供帮助,我正在使用的代码如下所示并带有注释:

        //MySQL Database Connect
        require 'config.php';

        //Takes form input for recipe title for insert to the recipe table
        $name = $_POST["recipeName"];

        //Stored procedure inputs the recipe name to the recipe table and outputs a recipe_id which is to be passed into recipe item table below
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare( "CALL sp_add_recipe(:name, @output)" );
        $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        //Execute Statment

        //$recipeID variable stores recipe_id outputted from the stored procedure above
        $recipeID = $dbh->query( "SELECT @output" )->fetchColumn(); 

        //Insert places the values from $recipeID, item_number & quantity into the recipe_item table
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO recipe_item (recipe_id, item_number, quantity) VALUES (:recipeID,?,?)');
        $stmt ->bindParam(':recipeID',$recipeID, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        //Ingredients variable combines array values from HTML form
        $ingredients = array_combine($_POST['recipe']['ingredient'], $_POST['recipe']['quantity']);

        //Each value from the form is inserted to the recipe_item table as defined above
        foreach($ingredients as $name => $quantity)
            $stmt->execute(); //I would like to insert $recipeID to my database with each line of the array below.
            $stmt->execute(array($name, $quantity)); 


$stmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO recipe_item (recipe_id, item_number, quantity) VALUES (:recipeID,:number,:quantity)');

//remove the bindParam() call for recipeId

$ingredients = array_combine($_POST['recipe']['ingredient'], $_POST['recipe']['quantity']);

foreach ($ingredients as $name => $quantity) {
    $bound = array(
        'recipeID' => $recipeID,
        'number' => $name, // ?? This is what your codes does at the moment, but looks weird
        'quantity' => $quantity

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