java - 为什么 Java 没有条件与和条件或运算符的复合赋值版本? (&&=, ||=)

标签 java conditional-operator assignment-operator short-circuiting compound-assignment

所以对于 boolean 值的二元运算符,Java 有 & , | , ^ , &&|| .


For &, the result value is true if both operand values are true; otherwise, the result is false.

For |, the result value is false if both operand values are false; otherwise, the result is true.

For ^, the result value is true if the operand values are different; otherwise, the result is false.

The && operator is like & but evaluates its right-hand operand only if the value of its left-hand operand is true.

The || operator is like |, but evaluates its right-hand operand only if the value of its left-hand operand is false.

现在,在所有 5 个中,其中 3 个具有复合赋值版本,即 |= , &=^= .所以我的问题很明显:为什么 Java 不提供 &&=||=也?我发现我需要的比我需要的多&=|= .

而且我不认为“因为它太长”是一个好的答案,因为 Java 有 >>>= .这种遗漏一定有更好的理由。

来自 15.26 Assignment Operators :

There are 12 assignment operators; [...] = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |=

有一条评论指出,如果 &&=||=被实现,那么它将是唯一不首先评估右手边的运算符。我认为复合赋值运算符首先计算右手边的想法是错误的。

来自 15.26.2 Compound Assignment Operators :

A compound assignment expression of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T)((E1) op (E2)), where T is the type of E1, except that E1 is evaluated only once.

作为证据,以下代码段抛出 NullPointerException ,而不是 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException .

    int[] a = null;
    int[] b = {};
    a[0] += b[-1];



&&=||= 运算符在 Java 上不可用,因为对于大多数开发人员来说,这些运算符是:

  • 容易出错
  • 没用



如果 Java 允许 &&= 运算符,那么该代码:

bool isOk = true; //becomes false when at least a function returns false
isOK &&= f1();
isOK &&= f2(); //we may expect f2() is called whatever the f1() returned value


bool isOk = true;
if (isOK) isOk = f1();
if (isOK) isOk = f2(); //f2() is called only when f1() returns true

第一个代码容易出错,因为许多开发人员会认为无论 f1() 返回值如何,总是调用 f2()。就像 bool isOk = f1() && f2(); 只有在 f1() 返回 时才调用 f2()

如果开发者希望 f2() 仅在 f1() 返回 true 时调用,那么上面的第二个代码错误较少-容易。

否则 &= 就足够了,因为开发人员希望始终调用 f2():

同样的例子,但对于 &=

bool isOk = true;
isOK &= f1();
isOK &= f2(); //f2() always called whatever the f1() returned value

此外,JVM 应该像下面这样运行上面的代码:

bool isOk = true;
if (!f1())  isOk = false;
if (!f2())  isOk = false;  //f2() always called

比较 &&& 结果

运算符 &&& 应用于 boolean 值时的结果是否相同?

让我们使用以下 Java 代码进行检查:

public class qalcdo {

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        test (true,  true);
        test (true,  false);
        test (false, false);
        test (false, true);

    private static void test (boolean a, boolean b) {
        System.out.println (counter++ +  ") a=" + a + " and b=" + b);
        System.out.println ("a && b = " + (a && b));
        System.out.println ("a & b = "  + (a & b));
        System.out.println ("======================");

    private static int counter = 1;


1) a=true and b=true
a && b = true
a & b = true
2) a=true and b=false
a && b = false
a & b = false
3) a=false and b=false
a && b = false
a & b = false
4) a=false and b=true
a && b = false
a & b = false

因此 YES 我们可以将 && 替换为 & 以获得 boolean 值 ;-)

所以最好使用 &= 而不是 &&=



&&= 的原因相同:
运算符 |=||= 更不容易出错。

如果开发人员希望 f1() 返回 true 时不调用 f2(),那么我建议以下替代方案:

// here a comment is required to explain that 
// f2() is not called when f1() returns false, and so on...
bool isOk = f1() || f2() || f3() || f4();


// here the following comments are not required 
// (the code is enough understandable)
bool isOk = false;
if (!isOK) isOk = f1();
if (!isOK) isOk = f2(); //f2() is not called when f1() returns false
if (!isOK) isOk = f3(); //f3() is not called when f1() or f2() return false
if (!isOK) isOk = f4(); //f4() is not called when ...

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