ruby-on-rails - Rails 分层建模 - 多个类别

标签 ruby-on-rails database model hierarchy


  1. 一个产品可以有多个类别
  2. 一个类别可以在不同的产品中。
  3. 如果类别不是一般类别(在这种情况下,父类别将为零),则该类别具有父类别(类别)


  1. 表格产品
  2. product_category(作为主键:product_id、category_id)
  3. 类别(带有引用类别的 parent_id,如果是“一般”类别,则为 nil)

从 Rails 建模的角度思考,我有以下内容(我避免编写对于我正在处理的这个关系/分层问题并不重要的字段):

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categories

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
Here comes de doubt: How do I specify the parent_id? 

有什么方法可以指定一个类别只有一个引用另一个类别的父 ID?



class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :categories, :through => :products_categories

  # A has_and_belongs_to_many association would also be fine here if you
  # don't need to assign attributes to or perform any operations on the
  # relationship record itself.

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many   :products, :through => :products_categories

  belongs_to :category
  has_many   :categories # Optional; useful if this is a parent and you want
end                      # to be able to list its children.


belongs_to :parent,   :class_name => :category
has_many   :children, :class_name => :category

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